Intermittent - Courage Practice - diary.....
I know my courage and bravery have been showing up on their own since commtiting to Brojo.... and I know I have consciously, at timers, courted them .... I think I made some notes of things to show this in behavioral terms... but, I cannot recall the others right now..
But right now, I want to recorded yesterdays win.... I did an MRI scan ! Which may not sound a lot to some, but I am intensely claustrophobic (and have a fear of heights, I have flown once in the last 20 years)...
I had actully been in an MRI 2 times before, but that was in my 2 year illness, when I was a walking skeleton (I barely fit in an MRI tube now days !) and I was so out of it in agony, and full of drugs, I did not really notice the procedures .... I fricken noticed it yesterday ! all 45 minutes(felt like 2or 3 hours!) of it.... but, after 1 false start and a panic, .. I got back in and coped with the cascade of passing emotions and sensations , and the bloody noise it made!
So, that's quite a win for me !
Aaron Frater
Intermittent - Courage Practice - diary.....
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