Morning means Morning
I thought I had my morning routine of breakfast+writing+exercise sorted, but it turns out there were some weak spots that needed attention. My takeaways from the Brojo course on Morning Routine…
Morning means Morning: I’ve been undermining my priorities and the effectiveness of my routine by being unnecessarily “flexible” about my work hours. Time to toughen up.
Being Mindfully Social: The temptation to check my inbox and professional network feed first thing in the morning is strong, but often makes me feel overwhelmed. Park it.
No More Auto-Pilot: When I sit down at my desk, I’ve started checking in with my values and challenging myself on why I’m doing what I’m doing each day. Am I moving in the direction of my goals, in line with my values, or just moving?
Always Stronger: What is one thing I can do today to strengthen my integrity? I'll be keeping it front of mind until it’s done.
Donelle McKinley
Morning means Morning
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