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31 contributions to KetoforCancer
Plant Foods with High Levels of Anti-Nutritional Factors
My plant-based journey has taken a detour. I still eat limited plants and I'm now on a mission to minimize my exposure to toxic plants. So, I Googled my way to enlightenment. This is the result. Foods High in: 1. Lectins: Beans (especially raw or undercooked), lentils, peas, and wheat germ. 2. Cyanide: Cassava, almonds, and lima beans. 3. Phytates: Whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. 4. Tannins: Tea, coffee, red wine, and some fruits (e.g., pomegranates, berries). 5. Oxalate: Spinach, rhubarb, beets, and nuts. 6. Goitrogens: Cruciferous vegetables (e.g., broccoli, cabbage, kale) 7. Solanine: Potatoes (especially green or sprouted ones) 8. Saponins: Soybeans and quinoa 9. Omega-6: Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, corn oil, safflower oil, and soybean oil. 10. Solanine, Tomatine, Chaconine: Nightshades, a family of plants that includes tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and peppers. Can I trust Google? 🙂 Any insights will be appreciated, thank you
New comment 6d ago
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I won't trust Google. I do trust Anthony Chaffee. He has reasonable arguments against plant toxins and proves the carnivore lifestyle by example. He also has a good interview with Thomas Seyfried.
Exoginos ketones
For everyone worried about using exoginous ketones or think that they are not needed please see the anti cancer bennifits especially paird with a keto diet. I so underestimated the bennifits. I have recieved my keto start since interviewing Dom. They tast amazing and I am achieving GKI numbers with lots of food that I didn't think where possible. Here is the ketostart link.
New comment 6d ago
Exoginos ketones
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I ordered via the link below the YT video. I did not see a discount code. When checking again after my order I left a product in the shopping cart and got a mail with a 20 % discount code AUDACIOUS
Why's it so difficult to open Keto mojo strips
Couldn't they make it easier to open these foil stuff?
New comment 14d ago
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For some reason they use condom packaging for the strips. Easy to open if one knows the technique.
My quick theory on muscle loss, cachexia and exercise:
I am currently reading the paper our dear member Mr Fitch shared and here, in the third paragraph in the introduction, there is this piece of information: "Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the circulation, constituting around 20% of the free amino acid pool (Altman et al., 2016). More than 70% of the circulating glutamine derives from skeletal muscle (Nurjhan et al., 1995) where it is either released from proteins by proteolysis or through de novo synthesis by glutamine synthetase (GS) (Felig et al., 1973, Garber et al., 1976, Kuhn et al., 1999, Schrock et al., 1980). Other tissues such as lung (Plumley et al., 1990), liver (Souba et al., 1988), and adipose tissue (Patterson et al., 2002) also have the capacity for glutamine release, yet their contributions to the plasma glutamine pool are under normal conditions modest. The majority of glutamine consumed in the diet is retained by cells in the intestinal mucosa and does not reach the circulation (Biolo et al., 1995, Wu, 1998). Thus, release from skeletal muscle is the primary source of glutamine in serum." So this is probably the cause of muscle loss and cachexia in cancer: As your cancer cells simply consume the free glutamine coming from muscle and other sources, they swallow up the glutamine and thus disturb the whole homeostatic system. Protein has a very big turnover and recycling rate, just a small percentage of glutamine taken up by the cancer will lead to muscle loss in the long run.
New comment 14d ago
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From Johnny’s post above: “The majority of glutamine consumed in the diet is retained by cells in the intestinal mucosa and does not reach the circulation.” How about feeding those intestinal cells after DON with pure Glutamine? After all, intestinal problems are a major side effect of DON. I remember a Thomas Seyfried video where he mentions with half a sentence he gave the mice Glutamine. Could be in another context and might be no more part of the current protocol.
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@Shamsa Araf Yes, this is the question for me. Can we feed the intestine (before / after DON) without feeding the cancer? I have no clue yet. Of course, this may be a shot in the foot.
I need help
I tried to buy Don from Germany but they cancel my order , plz how i can get. im doing fasting 20 hrs daily no sugar no carbs . taking Fenbendazole 444mg for 6 days and stop 1 day plus all vitamins . Im diagnosed with colon cancer stage 4 with liver metastasis my oncologist doesn't believe or knows about keto cancer . no treatment for me only chemo , immune which big no to extend my life one year or go to family and take morfine till die. by the way im now 41 kilo and im vegan. The last days im bleeding more than earlier. plz any help .
New comment 12d ago
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Might be a hard decision for a vegan but did you consider a (basically carnivore) restricted ketogenic diet as decribed in this forum? All this roughage from a vegan diet might tear up the mets in your colon and worsen the bleeding. Also prolonged fasting might be an option, although risky at 41 kilo, at least until the bleeding stops.
1 like • 15d
@A Izhak Miracles happen. But only if we drop everything and work for it. Good luck for you.
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