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Has Anyone Followed the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet for 6 Months or More?
As individuals managing a metabolic disease, we often face dilemmas when choosing what to eat. Dairy or no dairy, this plant or that plant, this meat or that meat. I know there is no perfect answer and not all of us can depend on studies as it takes a special skill to decipher real studies from the biases in studies funded by big food and big pharma. I’d like to share my quick story about several detours in my diet journey: 1. Initially, I followed a clean diet of mostly plants, fish, eggs, grain, and other whole foods (e.g., cruciferous veggies, nuts, avocados, berries, salmon, fermented soy, kefir, wheat bread, etc). 2. After developing the metabolic disease, I changed to a ketogenic diet, it’s only been a few months. 3. Recently, I found the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet (PKD), focusing on four-legged animal meat, animal fat, and organ meat. No dairy, no plants, no grain, no vegetable oils, no fish, no eggs. Having been on PKD for just a week, I've been feeling good, but of course, it’s subjective. Hence my question. I'd love to hear from anyone who has followed PKD for 6 months or longer. I would appreciate your experience and insights. I would also appreciate an expert comment from @Johnny Rockermeier if you will. Thank you
New comment 22h ago
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@Julie Logsdon Many things can cause cortisol levels to rise, including: Stress, sleep deprivation, medications, adrenal gland tumors (a benign tumor in the adrenal gland can cause the gland to secrete too much cortisol), pituitary gland issues (an overactive pituitary gland can cause the adrenal glands to produce too much cortisol), eating disorder, food (alcohol, caffeinated drinks, sugar, etc) *From my friend, google. May or may not be right 🙂
New Member
Hi I'm Kitty, 😺 2 days away from my 1 month of diagnosis of not yet metastasized Cancer - I have a 7 year old little girl, and I'm a single mama so .. fighting to live for her :) Been carnivore since December 2023, (mostly) While it gave me 16 cures and even more improvements, not convinced it can cure cancer: esp after my week study of Seyfried and learning about glutamine. That might make sense, tho mine is supposed to be glucose dependent. Currently fasting, day 3. (aiming for 21 days but not pressuring myself). And I'm here to learn :D - Kitty, from New Zealand. p.s. I am going to refuse chemo and radio, and fight for the cure myself. I still haven't found an open minded doctor, met 5 so far. :/ So if anyone knows - how i could look, I'd love to know! My mother just died from an immunology treatment, so I probably won't do that either. But at least there are options 😸 I did tell her about Seyfried while she was alive, but alas. 💗
New comment 3d ago
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@Kitty Freeman Hi, welcome, and congratulations on achieving 16 cures! Could you please say more about it? Thanks
Metabolic therapy with diagnose: small-cellic, neuroindocrine carzinoma (stomach with metastasis)
Hi guys I am new here. And I wanted to know if you know someone who was diagnosed with neuroendocrine carcinoma and tried metabolic therapy? I wanted to know your experiences with that. Unfortunately my fater got diagnosed with it. He already made one chemotherapy and is currently doing his second one in combination with methadon. He is under palliative medicine. What kind of diet should he do during the chemotherapy? Kind regards and thank you all Emre
New comment 3d ago
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@Cynthia Odu Hi, thanks for this post, which offers many gems. One of them is the caution regarding glutamine blockers due to liver concerns. If my memory serves me right, it reminds me of one of the FLCCC Winter 2024 Cancer Conference panel experts who says that the human drug mebendazole was modified from the animal drug fenbendazole to mitigate side effects, one of them might be a liver risk. The same expert also mentioned that the human drug ivermectin was developed from the ivermectin animal version without any changes, as studies showed no major side effects in humans.
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@Emre Goecen Yes, according to Dr. Kathleen Ruddy
Dom D'Agostino
HBOT, Keto Diet, MCT Oil, Exoginous Ketones, Metforman! Listen let's less complicate this thing. Eat Keto. Strict no carbs and no sugar. Not everyone will just get glucose at 70 and that's okay. Let's then add the hammers Dom and I discussed here like MCT, Exoginous Ketones, Metforman, HBOT. Then test! If you still need to adjust stay pacient and reduce protien and callories a little. You will be in good shape. One big thing I learned was exoginous Ketones after every meal reduces glucose! Also helps the GKI significantly! Just please stop fasting just work on dialing in those 5 hammers and you will be much further ahead! Please see the full podcast bellow! If GKI still is not perfect you are still in good shape. Remember a Keto Diet and fasting only slows the growth of cancer. It is just used as a press and not a cure. So what if your cancer grows 50 percent slower vs 55 percent slower. It's the pulse that kills it and make the biggest difference!
New comment 2d ago
Dom D'Agostino
6 likes • 11d
@Jason Watson Thank you for your thoughtful comment! I find your comment, 'Not everyone will just get glucose at 70 and that's okay,' particularly encouraging. It's relevant for those struggling to balance to get glucose at 65 level and concern about muscle wasting.
2 likes • 5d
@Kimberly Smith Please allow me to describe it differently: Press: GKI 2 or lower, diet, exercise, stress management, and then Pulse: everything you are already doing then add off-label prescription drug, add hbot
What do you all think of this? Plant based helped her
I am intrigued by this, and other papers I'm looking at now. I'm so puzzled, how in the world did these people's cancers disappear on a plant based program????? chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
New comment 4d ago
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This is what I think, based on my limited logical reasoning only, rather than scientific studies: 1. Individuals who previously consumed a diet of processed foods and carbs, then switched to a plant-based diet, tend to feel better. 2. Individuals who previously consumed a plant-based diet but had metabolic diseases, and then switched to a meat-based diet, tend to feel better.
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