My quick theory on muscle loss, cachexia and exercise:
I am currently reading the paper our dear member Mr Fitch shared
and here, in the third paragraph in the introduction, there is this piece of information:
"Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the circulation, constituting around 20% of the free amino acid pool (Altman et al., 2016). More than 70% of the circulating glutamine derives from skeletal muscle (Nurjhan et al., 1995) where it is either released from proteins by proteolysis or through de novo synthesis by glutamine synthetase (GS) (Felig et al., 1973, Garber et al., 1976, Kuhn et al., 1999, Schrock et al., 1980). Other tissues such as lung (Plumley et al., 1990), liver (Souba et al., 1988), and adipose tissue (Patterson et al., 2002) also have the capacity for glutamine release, yet their contributions to the plasma glutamine pool are under normal conditions modest. The majority of glutamine consumed in the diet is retained by cells in the intestinal mucosa and does not reach the circulation (Biolo et al., 1995, Wu, 1998).
Thus, release from skeletal muscle is the primary source of glutamine in serum."
So this is probably the cause of muscle loss and cachexia in cancer: As your cancer cells simply consume the free glutamine coming from muscle and other sources, they swallow up the glutamine and thus disturb the whole homeostatic system. Protein has a very big turnover and recycling rate, just a small percentage of glutamine taken up by the cancer will lead to muscle loss in the long run.
This theory strongly emphasizes for any cancer patient, whose cancer runs on glutamine to a appreciable amount, to build up as much muscle as possible before / during / after treatment, especially when they are already lean, to be able to withstand the disease.
As this would necessitate quite a high(er) protein igestion which leads to worse gki numbers, its a "circle squared" problem... this has to be explored further.
Probably getting 1,5g per kg of bodyweight in after don and up to 1 day before don would be the better approach, then coming back down to 1,0 for better gki when doing don (+hbot)
In the meantime, get a gym membership and work those muscles 3-5 times a week! :-p
The most muscle is your back muscles (Pulldowns) and your legs (Legpress, Squats). Maybe do those first, with 1 set more.
But this is just what came to my mind while reading, maybe the interpretation is not as solid as I think.
Your thoughts on the paper? :-)
Johnny Rockermeier
My quick theory on muscle loss, cachexia and exercise:
We help people to prevent, manage & cure cancer, based on ideas by Dr. Seyfried. Proposed foods follow the RockSolid Diet, invented by J. Rockermeier.
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