Hi! I’m not sure if this question is too general or appropriate for here, but I’m just curious for your thoughts on a carnivore/no carb diet! I went carnivore for a couple years for autoimmune purposes and ended up putting on quite a bit of weight & despite regular strength training, could not put on muscle. I looked like I was up eating Cheetos all night. I think my liver/gallbladder & thyroid had issues with the high fat approach (high cholesterol, diarrhea, constipation). Over the past few months, I’ve transitioned to adding carbs back in and doing more of a Ray Peat approach. Have you ever worked with anyone transitioning from carni or low carb, and if so, is there anything I can expect (eg do you find adding carbs helps increase muscle) and/or is there anything I may want to address (eg thyroid support) to help with body recomp? Thanks so much!