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Mini Tek-Talk - 1/4/24 is happening in 3 days
100 mile challenge
Finished the 100 mile challenge yesterday, which is to put in 100 miles of movement (paddle/row/walk/etc) between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mine was almost all paddling with a bit of erg & walking. Also, saw the most brilliant red sunrise in Newport Harbor yesterday!
New comment 28d ago
100 mile challenge
Pre-Race Routines
Everyone has a pre-race routine. Mine is: hydrate starting 2 days before and no alcohol early to bed the night before up before sunrise race morning with a strong coffee Pb&j breakfast with electrolytes banana an hour before huma gel 10min before I’d love to hear yours!
New comment Oct '24
State Championship OC6 1000 m
We got the gold medal in the MEN 1000m and MIXED (3 men and 3 women) 1000m sprint last weekend! Thanks Tek Li for the workouts!!
New comment Aug '24
State Championship OC6 1000 m
San Mateo Bridge
We made it to the San Mateo Bridge and back - longer than we thought. Ran out of energy before reaching the bridge. Lessons learned: need to carb up night before like when we used to run half marathons so we have something to burn and need to bring second bottle of water. Otherwise, our next goal: Bay Bridge.
New comment Jul '24
San Mateo Bridge
NOT WOW for Last Week....6/22
10 minute warmup + 6 (1/5, with 5 minute active) + 10 minute cooldown 10 minute warmup...1,522M, 2.53 M/S, 45 SPM (1-Left), 171M, 2.86 M/S, 54.5 SPM (2-R), 162M, 2.70 M/S, 51.5 SPM (3-L), 165M 2.76 M/S, 52.5 SPM (4-R), 166M, 2.77 M/S, 54.5 SPM (5-L), 153M, 2.56 M/S, 51.5 SPM (6-R), 168M, 2.81 M/S, 57.5 SPM 10 minute cool down... 1,328M, 2.21 M/S, 42.0 SPM Technique was off - too noisy.
New comment Jun '24
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Tek Li Coaching
Take your paddling teknique to the next level with Tek Li Coaching! Tailored to beginner, intermediate, and advance paddlers. #TLC
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