Here are the key takeaways I found most valuable from the Sales Mastery Course
Here are the key takeaways I found most valuable from the Sales Mastery Course
They are all part of the document 'Phase 1: Learning the Necessities,' so I'll just copy and paste the sections here.
What I wish someone told me before getting into sales:
2. There are mental battles. Sales is a game of psychology with the lead and especially within yourself. There have been moments where I feel like I dont understand sales at allโ€ฆ and thats totally okay. Take a step back and evaluate. 9/10 times is not that you forgot all of your skills, it most times your unclear about something in your offer, you're not confident or feel good about what your selling, or your personal like if bleeding into your sales life.
4. To be good at sales you just have to understand the process. To be GREAT is to understand the process and the lead, AND to also be on the same side of the table as them. REMOVE all ties with closing the sale and remember it is just a conversation, and that you want to help them (yes, even if that means you don't pitch them).
And last, but not least:
The detailed explanation of each step involved in structuring a setting call, along with highlighting the importance of having a checkbox framework.
What have been your biggest takeaways so far?
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Mihajlo Dejanovic
Here are the key takeaways I found most valuable from the Sales Mastery Course
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