πŸ”« Ammunition | Key Takeaways 03 09
Often, the most important things to somebody come out at the end of their sentence so,
Don't overlook throwaway comments.
"Is this just a bit of a nice to have then?"
To be used with care, but useful in challenging their lack of investment.
"Do you think it's enough?"
To challenge their current state.
"I notice you hesitated before you said that..."
~~Don't sugar coat it.
"what's the story?"
To dig deeper into the why.
Do not be caught; asking Qs to fish for a perfect answer
To research; Late Night FM Voice, Never Split the Difference
Mirroring: to repeat the last few words of their sentence.
I will pitch once I have enough ammunition to shoot down any objection you raise.
Rich call this one. Thank you for adding some gems to my tool kit πŸ’Ž
Jordan Lyne
πŸ”« Ammunition | Key Takeaways 03 09
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