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🗣️Why My Non-Negotiables Are Non-Negotiable
Living with addiction is a relentless battle. It's not just a habit; it’s a disease. I could list a hundred devastating reasons not to use—prison, lost relationships, curfews, being broke—you name it. And yet, the mind whispers, "Yeah, but..." If that’s not proof it’s a disease and not just weak willpower, I don’t know what is. Recognizing this gives me hope and the power to manage it. That’s exactly why I stick to my non-negotiables, every single day, no matter how much I don’t want to: 1. Waking Up Early: Every morning is a battle. I hate getting up early, but I do it because it keeps me clean, it keeps me organized, and it’s good for everyone around me. 2. Hitting the Gym: Training every day is brutal. I’m not always in the mood to push weights or hit the treadmill, but I do it because my mental health depends on it, and when I’m healthy, I’m better for the people around me. 3. Reading 10 Pages: Who has time to read self-development books every day? I make the time. Staying informed makes me a better version of myself, which is my service to others. 4. Reaching Out: Connecting with other recovering addicts daily isn’t just beneficial for them; it reinforces my own commitment to stay clean. 5. Daily Inventory: This might be the last thing I want to do after a long day, but keeping myself in check ensures I’m not causing chaos for others. If you promise someone you’ll do something and don’t follow through, they lose trust in you. It’s the same with self-promises. Every time I follow through on my non-negotiables, I build trust in myself. Even on the worst days, when I'm weighed down by court dates, financial troubles, or personal issues, sticking to these commitments keeps me from spiralling back into depression. Staying true to these daily actions hasn’t just helped me manage my addiction; it's fundamentally changed how I see myself. Even when everything else is falling apart, I know I’ve scored these personal victories. And when I close my eyes at night, I can rest easy knowing I’m five steps ahead of where I was yesterday.
New comment Jun 1
🚀 Welcome to Real Recovery Coaching – Where Real Change Begins
🎯 Our Mission: You're not here by accident. You're here because you're ready to kick addiction's ass, just like I did. Growing up with an alcoholic stepfather, I learned the ropes of addiction all too early, sneaking drinks and spiralling down. Despite early wins in life and a successful career, my vices caught up with me, leading to years behind bars. I got out, built up a good life, then fell back hard once the cash flowed again. But unlike last time, I discovered rehab and recovery, and now, I haven't looked back. At Real Recovery Coaching, we turn personal battles into victories. If you’re ready to transform, this is where you start. --- 🔥 What We Offer: - In-Your-Face Coaching: Real talk from someone who’s lived it. No fluff, just the tough love that saved my life. - Comprehensive Courses: Tailored deep dives into overcoming any vice—drinking, smoking, junk food, adult content, you name it—using techniques that actually work. - Daily Accountability: Check in with me and the group every day. We'll set our thoughts in the morning and celebrate your wins at night. - Live Q&A Sessions: Every week, bring your challenges, and I'll bring solutions that helped me stay clean and thrive. --- 👊 Our Community: This isn’t just about staying clean; it’s about thriving. Our community is for those who aren’t satisfied with average. If you’re looking to push limits, elevate every day, and live with unyielding passion, you belong with us. We challenge each other to be our best, never settling for mediocrity. --- 💪 Why Us? - Battle-Tested Leadership: I’ve been where you are, and I know the way out. - Full-Spectrum Transformation: We tackle addiction on all fronts—physical, emotional, and mental. - A Family That Fights Together: In our family, no one fights alone. We stand, struggle, and succeed together. --- 🏆 Join the Revolution: Think you can fight your way to freedom? Click ‘Join Now’. Together, we’ll forge a path to the life you deserve—no looking back, only moving forward.
🪽Unfiltered Recovery Talk: Tackling Real Challenges
Understanding My Addiction - Starting something new is always a bitch, right? Well, that's how it kicks off with our recovery program. The first chunk of this journey is all about healing. We can’t move forward without dealing with this part first. In our program, some just go with their gut through this initial phase, while others need a clear-cut game plan. The reasons vary—some of you might be fresh to recovery, just having dragged yourselves out of the mud from your latest scrap with drugs. Or maybe you've been clean for a stretch but the ghost of addiction still haunts every corner of your life, showing you how powerless you really are. Sometimes, it’s the sheer agony of our situation that drives us back here, ready to try again. It’s about recognizing that our recovery is a lifelong trek—no finish lines, just continuous growth. For many of us, understanding that addiction isn’t about moral failure but a real, gnawing disease helps us to get why we’ve hit rock bottom. For others, it's less about understanding and more about getting the hell out of the mess we're in. Now, it's time to get our hands dirty. We need to jump into actions that actually pull us further from our addictions, no matter what face that bastard wears today. We're here to really grab hold of the basics—acceptance, humility, grit, and keeping it real—making these the core of who we are. Surrender - First off, surrender doesn’t come in one flavour. For some of us, the journey to even starting the first part of recovery was a brutal enough wake-up call. For others, it’s about reluctantly admitting that there might not be any other way out, even if we’re not fully convinced we’re screwed. It’s only when we begin to truly work this, that we see clearly: we’ve been kicked to the ground, and now, we've got to drop the act. Kicking off means quitting cold—whatever shit we’re tangled up in, be it booze, drugs, or anything else that’s got us by the balls. The focus here is stark: we’re screwed because of our addictions, and if we’re ever gonna clean up our mess, we have to stop the chaos we perpetuate. It’s about nailing down actions that stop our self-sabotage in its tracks.
New comment May 9
🤼‍♂️Unyielding: Training Through Pain, Powering Through Life
Nearly 9 months in and I haven't skipped a single day of training. About 60 days in, I had both tennis and golfer’s elbow in my left arm and could barely hold a weight, so I had to tie them to my hand while wrapping my arm with about 3-4 braces—from my thumb to my elbow. After day 112, I screwed up my left knee. It hurt like hell, but pain wasn’t going to kill me. Then came summer, and I got sick—sinuses all messed up, barely wanted to get out of bed, but I still hit the gym. Even if I was only at 65%, giving up wasn’t an option. And just recently, that on-and-off cold/flu knocked me down twice. There was a day my face looked puffy as hell, I couldn't breathe, but again, not dying, still showing up. So, what’s the takeaway from all this? What’s the point? For me, it's been about smashing through tons of mental barriers when I needed it most. I look back at last year, a total mess, inhaling pizzas and junk, asking myself what’s the point if I end up back in prison. But then I started understanding about frequencies, high and low, and about contraction and expansion phases. Acting low frequency in a contraction phase just sinks me deeper. But if I flip the switch, keep high frequency during those tough times, I stay afloat. Then, when I hit an expansion phase, I’m already revved up and ready to soar. Like Seneca said, “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity.” I’m preparing, every damn day, so when my shot comes, I’ll be ready to take it and make it count.
🦸Embracing the Full Spectrum: Why Being “Too Much” Can Be a Superpower
Abraham Lincoln once said, "It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues." That hits home for me every time I run through my daily inventory and come face to face with my own character defects—and yeah, my vices too. I’m not caught up in my old compulsive habits, but I might overdo other things—like procrastinating, diving into tasks headfirst without a break, or just being plain old intense. Some say I need to “take my foot off the pedal.” Others tell me I’m “too intense” or just “relax.” Sound familiar? If you’ve ever been told you’re a bit much, here’s something to consider: being “too much” means you’re really in the game of life. When you ask for my opinion, you’ll get it—black and white, straight from the heart. Need a favour? I’m there, probably doing way more than you expected as long as they respect boundaries (new lesson). Looking for a friend? I’m all about making real connections. The silver lining: my tendency to overindulge or go overboard isn't just about excess—it’s about passion. My intensity translates into a fierce love for life and a commitment to service and goodness. I am fully engaged, not just coasting through. I refuse to beat myself up for being vibrantly alive. Sure, I might be a lot to handle sometimes, but that's because I choose to live fully, to care deeply, and to engage with the world. So here’s to all of us who are told we’re “too much.” Let's not dim our light. Our zest for life, for overdoing it, has a bright side—it shows in our dedication to doing good and living passionately. We are alive and kicking, and there’s no shame in that.
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Real Recovery Coaching
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