🤼‍♂️Unyielding: Training Through Pain, Powering Through Life
Nearly 9 months in and I haven't skipped a single day of training. About 60 days in, I had both tennis and golfer’s elbow in my left arm and could barely hold a weight, so I had to tie them to my hand while wrapping my arm with about 3-4 braces—from my thumb to my elbow. After day 112, I screwed up my left knee. It hurt like hell, but pain wasn’t going to kill me.
Then came summer, and I got sick—sinuses all messed up, barely wanted to get out of bed, but I still hit the gym. Even if I was only at 65%, giving up wasn’t an option. And just recently, that on-and-off cold/flu knocked me down twice. There was a day my face looked puffy as hell, I couldn't breathe, but again, not dying, still showing up.
So, what’s the takeaway from all this? What’s the point? For me, it's been about smashing through tons of mental barriers when I needed it most. I look back at last year, a total mess, inhaling pizzas and junk, asking myself what’s the point if I end up back in prison.
But then I started understanding about frequencies, high and low, and about contraction and expansion phases. Acting low frequency in a contraction phase just sinks me deeper. But if I flip the switch, keep high frequency during those tough times, I stay afloat. Then, when I hit an expansion phase, I’m already revved up and ready to soar.
Like Seneca said, “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity.” I’m preparing, every damn day, so when my shot comes, I’ll be ready to take it and make it count.
Adam Avignone-Green
🤼‍♂️Unyielding: Training Through Pain, Powering Through Life
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