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Real Recovery Coaching

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9 contributions to Real Recovery Coaching
🗝️Unlocking the Law of Correspondence: Reflecting Within to Change the World Around You
Ever heard the saying, "As above, so below; as within, so without"? This is the essence of the philosophical Law of Correspondence, one of the seven Hermetic principles. It suggests that the realities of our outer world are a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. This law isn’t just mystical mumbo-jumbo—it’s a powerful concept that can drive real change in your life and your interactions with the world. What is the Law of Correspondence This law posits that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and that by understanding the pattern at one level, you can understand something about every level. Basically, whatever is going on inside your head and heart is reflected in your external environment. Your relationships, career, and even daily interactions are influenced by your own mental and emotional state. Why It Matters If you're feeling stuck or if you’re not where you want to be in life, this law suggests that the first place to look is within. It’s about understanding that your external struggles might be a reflection of internal conflicts. Want to change your world? Start with your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs. How to Apply It 1. Self-Reflection: Take time each day to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Are they negative or positive? What fears or beliefs might be holding you back from taking steps towards your goals? 2. Mindset Shifts: Work on transforming negative thoughts into positive ones. If you believe you’re incapable of success, challenge this belief by affirming your abilities and celebrating small successes. 3. Environment Tweaks: Make small changes in your environment that reflect the changes you want to see within yourself. This could be as simple as organizing a cluttered workspace or as significant as distancing yourself from toxic relationships. 4. Consistency is Key: Regularly practicing positive thinking and self-affirmation can gradually alter the correspondence between your internal mindset and your external reality. Impact on Personal Development
New comment Jun 16
1 like • Jun 13
The law of correspondence is extremely similar to the law of relativity, but kind of in reverse. Everything seems dark on the outside when it’s dark on the inside, yet the smallest funnel of light can be salvation when there is darkness all around. In both instances the reflection rule stands. Nice.
🍗Fully Loaded Guide to the Mediterranean Diet: No Myths, Just Real Food
Tired of diets that demonize certain foods? Let’s set the record straight with the Mediterranean diet—it’s about balance, flavour, and eating foods that genuinely nourish your body. Here’s how you can enjoy this diet without falling for common misconceptions: - Proteins: Red meat isn't the villain here. Enjoy beef, lamb, and chicken, cooking them in ways that preserve their natural flavours—grilling, roasting, you name it. Seafood, too, is a big player. Load up on fish like salmon, mackerel, and whatever else you fancy. They’re packed with omega-3s for your brain and heart. And remember, if you can't do shellfish, no sweat—there's plenty of fish in the sea that are just as nutritious. - Fats: Here’s where it gets good. Butter, ghee, and olive oil are all in play. Use butter or ghee for cooking to enjoy their flavours and nutritional benefits. Olive oil is perfect for dressing salads or light sautéing. Don’t shy away from avocados and nuts like almonds and walnuts; they provide essential healthy fats and taste great. - Carbs: This diet loves its whole, unprocessed carbs. Sweet potatoes, whole grains like quinoa and farro—these are not just fillers, they're energy providers. They come packed with nutrients that keep you going all day long. - Vegetables and Fruits: Load up on a variety of veggies—spinach, broccolini, capsicums, and more. They're essential for their vitamins and minerals. Fruits are your natural sugar hit—they come packaged with fibres and antioxidants, which help your body process their sugars more efficiently. - Dairy and Eggs: Keep the dairy, especially full-fat versions like Greek yogurt and traditional cheeses, which are richer in nutrients and keep you satisfied longer. Eggs are a powerhouse, perfect for starting your day or as a protein boost in salads or sandwiches. - Salt and Seasonings: Real salt, especially unrefined sea salt or Himalayan salt, is your friend, especially if you’re active. It’s crucial for hydration and preventing muscle cramps. Season your dishes with a mix of herbs and spices—garlic, oregano, paprika, and others to enhance flavours without overloading on sodium.
New comment Jun 6
1 like • Jun 6
I like this diet.
🏆Do Your Best with What You’ve Got
Theodore Roosevelt once said, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." That's crucial advice, especially in recovery from addiction. We're not perfect, and striving for perfection can be a trap. Instead, focus on doing your best with the resources you currently have. Your best will get better every day—that's the beauty of consistent effort in recovery. It's way too easy to fall into the trap of self-criticism, thinking you’re not good enough or that people aren’t interested in what you have to say. Those old tapes from the past can play loudly, even years into recovery, with whispers like, "Is that all you can do?" or "No one wants to listen to you." Remember, addiction may live on in your recovery, but so does your growing strength. Your honest efforts—whether they're aimed at solving a problem or helping someone else—are usually more than enough. They count more than you think. Today’s Commitment: I will appreciate my best efforts and not shy away from asking for advice when needed. Each step I take, no matter how small, is progress. Every honest attempt is a victory over my past self. Today, I won't be too proud to seek help or too harsh to appreciate my own efforts. Remember, it's not about where you start, or the perfection of each step, but the honesty and effort you bring to every day of your recovery journey. Let's keep moving forward, doing the best we can with what we have right where we are.
New comment May 29
1 like • May 28
Another good read for my morning. Cheers. I have been flat out making sure I secure this recruitment company role and haven’t been able to check in and check out. We’ll chat soon.
💘Let's Get Real About Romantic Love: A Deep Dive into Robert A. Johnson's 'We'
I tackled Robert A. Johnson's eye-opener, "We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love." It's all about ripping the cover off the fairy tales we've been fed about romance and seeing the hardcore truths underneath through the lens of Jungian psychology. Johnson isn't just chatting about feelings here; he's pointing out how romantic love acts like a mirror, showing us our deepest desires for connection and completion. He uses myths and archetypes to explain that our love lives are more than just chance encounters—they're a playground for our personal evolution. A game-changing idea from this book is how we slap our own ideals and unresolved baggage onto our partners, thinking we've found our "perfect match." This often leads to a crash when reality hits, but it's also a golden chance for growth if we face up to these projections. This hit home for me, and I bet it does for you too. It's like looking into a mirror and seeing not just your face but your soul—raw and real. It’s about understanding these shadows can help us build stronger, truer relationships that don’t just feed our fantasies but nourish our real selves. Let’s break it down: - Ever found yourself painting a partner with your own dream colours? - How can realizing and tackling these projections make a real difference in our recovery and personal growth? Can’t wait to hear your insights and experiences. Let’s get this conversation fired up!
New comment May 29
1 like • May 28
My love for Edwina has regrown since I’m being a real man. Since I’ve matured. Fairytale love was there pretty early, but the hard yards have created a deep, trusting, understanding and cherished love. I haven’t had that before with my co existent narcissistic approach to romance, sex, indulgence and ego.
🗣️Why My Non-Negotiables Are Non-Negotiable
Living with addiction is a relentless battle. It's not just a habit; it’s a disease. I could list a hundred devastating reasons not to use—prison, lost relationships, curfews, being broke—you name it. And yet, the mind whispers, "Yeah, but..." If that’s not proof it’s a disease and not just weak willpower, I don’t know what is. Recognizing this gives me hope and the power to manage it. That’s exactly why I stick to my non-negotiables, every single day, no matter how much I don’t want to: 1. Waking Up Early: Every morning is a battle. I hate getting up early, but I do it because it keeps me clean, it keeps me organized, and it’s good for everyone around me. 2. Hitting the Gym: Training every day is brutal. I’m not always in the mood to push weights or hit the treadmill, but I do it because my mental health depends on it, and when I’m healthy, I’m better for the people around me. 3. Reading 10 Pages: Who has time to read self-development books every day? I make the time. Staying informed makes me a better version of myself, which is my service to others. 4. Reaching Out: Connecting with other recovering addicts daily isn’t just beneficial for them; it reinforces my own commitment to stay clean. 5. Daily Inventory: This might be the last thing I want to do after a long day, but keeping myself in check ensures I’m not causing chaos for others. If you promise someone you’ll do something and don’t follow through, they lose trust in you. It’s the same with self-promises. Every time I follow through on my non-negotiables, I build trust in myself. Even on the worst days, when I'm weighed down by court dates, financial troubles, or personal issues, sticking to these commitments keeps me from spiralling back into depression. Staying true to these daily actions hasn’t just helped me manage my addiction; it's fundamentally changed how I see myself. Even when everything else is falling apart, I know I’ve scored these personal victories. And when I close my eyes at night, I can rest easy knowing I’m five steps ahead of where I was yesterday.
New comment Jun 1
1 like • May 28
This is really strong Adam. I have huge respect for you and you run a very disciplined program. I need to first remind myself this isn’t a competition. This isn’t lining up on the school wall to get picked. Otherwise my “greater than / less than” reader would have me jealous. Today I will do the next right thing and right now that’s to congratulate and continue to support you. Nice one mate.
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Stu Holmes
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The Green Collar Founder. Recovering addict committed to helping others.

Active 5d ago
Joined May 9, 2024
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