šŸ—£ļøWhy My Non-Negotiables Are Non-Negotiable
Living with addiction is a relentless battle. It's not just a habit; itā€™s a disease. I could list a hundred devastating reasons not to useā€”prison, lost relationships, curfews, being brokeā€”you name it. And yet, the mind whispers, "Yeah, but..." If thatā€™s not proof itā€™s a disease and not just weak willpower, I donā€™t know what is. Recognizing this gives me hope and the power to manage it.
Thatā€™s exactly why I stick to my non-negotiables, every single day, no matter how much I donā€™t want to:
1. Waking Up Early: Every morning is a battle. I hate getting up early, but I do it because it keeps me clean, it keeps me organized, and itā€™s good for everyone around me.
2. Hitting the Gym: Training every day is brutal. Iā€™m not always in the mood to push weights or hit the treadmill, but I do it because my mental health depends on it, and when Iā€™m healthy, Iā€™m better for the people around me.
3. Reading 10 Pages: Who has time to read self-development books every day? I make the time. Staying informed makes me a better version of myself, which is my service to others.
4. Reaching Out: Connecting with other recovering addicts daily isnā€™t just beneficial for them; it reinforces my own commitment to stay clean.
5. Daily Inventory: This might be the last thing I want to do after a long day, but keeping myself in check ensures Iā€™m not causing chaos for others.
If you promise someone youā€™ll do something and donā€™t follow through, they lose trust in you. Itā€™s the same with self-promises. Every time I follow through on my non-negotiables, I build trust in myself. Even on the worst days, when I'm weighed down by court dates, financial troubles, or personal issues, sticking to these commitments keeps me from spiralling back into depression.
Staying true to these daily actions hasnā€™t just helped me manage my addiction; it's fundamentally changed how I see myself. Even when everything else is falling apart, I know Iā€™ve scored these personal victories. And when I close my eyes at night, I can rest easy knowing Iā€™m five steps ahead of where I was yesterday.
So hereā€™s my question to you: How are you keeping your word to yourself today?
Adam Avignone-Green
šŸ—£ļøWhy My Non-Negotiables Are Non-Negotiable
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