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🦸Embracing the Full Spectrum: Why Being “Too Much” Can Be a Superpower
Abraham Lincoln once said, "It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues." That hits home for me every time I run through my daily inventory and come face to face with my own character defects—and yeah, my vices too. I’m not caught up in my old compulsive habits, but I might overdo other things—like procrastinating, diving into tasks headfirst without a break, or just being plain old intense. Some say I need to “take my foot off the pedal.” Others tell me I’m “too intense” or just “relax.” Sound familiar? If you’ve ever been told you’re a bit much, here’s something to consider: being “too much” means you’re really in the game of life. When you ask for my opinion, you’ll get it—black and white, straight from the heart. Need a favour? I’m there, probably doing way more than you expected as long as they respect boundaries (new lesson). Looking for a friend? I’m all about making real connections. The silver lining: my tendency to overindulge or go overboard isn't just about excess—it’s about passion. My intensity translates into a fierce love for life and a commitment to service and goodness. I am fully engaged, not just coasting through. I refuse to beat myself up for being vibrantly alive. Sure, I might be a lot to handle sometimes, but that's because I choose to live fully, to care deeply, and to engage with the world. So here’s to all of us who are told we’re “too much.” Let's not dim our light. Our zest for life, for overdoing it, has a bright side—it shows in our dedication to doing good and living passionately. We are alive and kicking, and there’s no shame in that.
😶‍🌫️The Paradox of Freedom: How Limitations Can Set You Free
Freedom is a concept we all cherish, but what if I told you that true freedom comes from embracing certain limitations? It sounds contradictory, but hear me out. In the journey of life, especially in contexts like recovery from addiction or personal transformation, setting boundaries and sticking to routines are often seen as limitations. However, these so-called constraints are actually the stepping stones to greater freedom. Here’s why: - Discipline Equals Freedom: Discipline, a form of self-imposed limitation, is often misunderstood. By adhering to a structured routine—whether it’s a daily workout, a strict schedule, or adhering to non-negotiables—we actually carve out greater mental and physical freedom for ourselves. Discipline in habits frees us from the chaos of decision fatigue and the paralysis of poor health. - Boundaries Protect Your Energy: Setting boundaries, particularly in relationships and commitments, is another form of limitation. By clearly defining what we accept from others and ourselves, we prevent burnout and maintain our integrity. Boundaries aren't about keeping people out; they're about keeping your energy in, allowing you to engage more fully where you choose. - Constraints Spark Creativity: Creatively, limitations can be a blessing in disguise. Writers, artists, and musicians often find that constraints in form, materials, or themes push them to think more deeply and innovate. What could be more freeing than discovering new ways to express yourself within a set framework? - Financial Budgeting Liberates Future Choices: Financially, imposing limits through budgeting may seem restrictive but is ultimately liberating. By controlling spending now, we open up future opportunities that unchecked spending would never allow. Financial discipline results in economic freedom. Reflective Questions to Consider: 1. What limitations have you set in your life that have actually increased your sense of freedom? 2. Can introducing more structure in your day-to-day life enhance your creativity and productivity?
🏆Do Your Best with What You’ve Got
Theodore Roosevelt once said, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." That's crucial advice, especially in recovery from addiction. We're not perfect, and striving for perfection can be a trap. Instead, focus on doing your best with the resources you currently have. Your best will get better every day—that's the beauty of consistent effort in recovery. It's way too easy to fall into the trap of self-criticism, thinking you’re not good enough or that people aren’t interested in what you have to say. Those old tapes from the past can play loudly, even years into recovery, with whispers like, "Is that all you can do?" or "No one wants to listen to you." Remember, addiction may live on in your recovery, but so does your growing strength. Your honest efforts—whether they're aimed at solving a problem or helping someone else—are usually more than enough. They count more than you think. Today’s Commitment: I will appreciate my best efforts and not shy away from asking for advice when needed. Each step I take, no matter how small, is progress. Every honest attempt is a victory over my past self. Today, I won't be too proud to seek help or too harsh to appreciate my own efforts. Remember, it's not about where you start, or the perfection of each step, but the honesty and effort you bring to every day of your recovery journey. Let's keep moving forward, doing the best we can with what we have right where we are.
New comment May 29
🧗The Grit of Tenacity: Turning Rock Bottom into a Foundation for Growth
We've all had moments that knocked us flat. Burning bridges with friends, family, ending up in a cell, or missing out on life's big moments—all because addiction had us in a chokehold. Some of us have walked straight out of the hospital and back into the arms of our old habits. Every one of these low points could have been the end of the story. But here you are, reading this, fighting the fight or maybe just starting to think about it. That's what tenacity is all about. It's not just hanging on for dear life; it’s about clawing your way back up, every time, no matter how hard you hit the ground. Why is tenacity non-negotiable in recovery, and in life? Because getting back up time and time again declares loud and clear that our past doesn't get to write our future. Every setback, every mistake—they’re not just regrets. They’re fuel. They power us to push forward, to transform, to genuinely live differently. Every low point has the potential to teach us something vital about who we are and what we’re capable of. Being tenacious means owning these moments, using them as the raw material to build a stronger version of yourself. Think on this: - How will you use your toughest times as the fuel to propel you to where you truly want to be? Tenacity in recovery isn’t just about survival; it’s about thriving. It’s about creating a path forward with the full understanding that while our struggles are part of our history, they don’t have to determine our trajectory. Don’t just passively let life happen to you. Use every piece of your past, every hard-earned lesson to power your journey forward. And never forget: you are resilient, you are capable, and you damn well deserve the life you’re fighting for.
New comment May 26
🚲Embrace the Climb, Just Don’t Stand Still
Ever heard that old Chinese proverb? "Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still." It hits hard because it’s true. Growth can be daunting. It makes us wonder how it’ll change us. Will our friends still get who we are? Why can’t growth just happen overnight? Here's the real deal: growth doesn't have an expiry date. We’re never “all grown up.” We’re constantly learning, evolving, adapting. And while it might feel like you need to speed through it, rushing can make you lose control—like a kid on a bike that’s way too big, just waiting to topple over. You’ve got to keep moving. If you’re not pushing forward, you're just standing still, and that’s no way to live. Imagine an athlete trying to race on a bike that's too small. It’s ridiculous. They’re not going anywhere fast. We all grow at our own pace, sure, but the key is that we keep growing. Make those changes. Adapt and improve. Because if you're not growing, you’re just spinning your wheels, and who wants to end up flat on their face because they were afraid to move forward? Embrace your growth, slow as it may be. Just don’t stop. Keep climbing, keep pushing. That’s how you really make progress. That’s how you avoid tipping over—not by standing still, but by steadily moving forward. 1. What's really stopping you from levelling up in your life right now? 2. Tell me about a time you felt trapped in place. How did you break free? 3. Are you growing or just changing scenery? How can you tell the difference?
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