🦸Embracing the Full Spectrum: Why Being “Too Much” Can Be a Superpower
Abraham Lincoln once said, "It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues." That hits home for me every time I run through my daily inventory and come face to face with my own character defects—and yeah, my vices too. I’m not caught up in my old compulsive habits, but I might overdo other things—like procrastinating, diving into tasks headfirst without a break, or just being plain old intense.
Some say I need to “take my foot off the pedal.” Others tell me I’m “too intense” or just “relax.” Sound familiar? If you’ve ever been told you’re a bit much, here’s something to consider: being “too much” means you’re really in the game of life.
When you ask for my opinion, you’ll get it—black and white, straight from the heart. Need a favour? I’m there, probably doing way more than you expected as long as they respect boundaries (new lesson). Looking for a friend? I’m all about making real connections.
The silver lining: my tendency to overindulge or go overboard isn't just about excess—it’s about passion. My intensity translates into a fierce love for life and a commitment to service and goodness. I am fully engaged, not just coasting through.
I refuse to beat myself up for being vibrantly alive. Sure, I might be a lot to handle sometimes, but that's because I choose to live fully, to care deeply, and to engage with the world.
So here’s to all of us who are told we’re “too much.” Let's not dim our light. Our zest for life, for overdoing it, has a bright side—it shows in our dedication to doing good and living passionately. We are alive and kicking, and there’s no shame in that.
Adam Avignone-Green
🦸Embracing the Full Spectrum: Why Being “Too Much” Can Be a Superpower
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