🚀 Welcome to Real Recovery Coaching – Where Real Change Begins
🎯 Our Mission:
You're not here by accident. You're here because you're ready to kick addiction's ass, just like I did. Growing up with an alcoholic stepfather, I learned the ropes of addiction all too early, sneaking drinks and spiralling down. Despite early wins in life and a successful career, my vices caught up with me, leading to years behind bars. I got out, built up a good life, then fell back hard once the cash flowed again. But unlike last time, I discovered rehab and recovery, and now, I haven't looked back. At Real Recovery Coaching, we turn personal battles into victories. If you’re ready to transform, this is where you start.
đŸ”„ What We Offer:
- In-Your-Face Coaching: Real talk from someone who’s lived it. No fluff, just the tough love that saved my life.
- Comprehensive Courses: Tailored deep dives into overcoming any vice—drinking, smoking, junk food, adult content, you name it—using techniques that actually work.
- Daily Accountability: Check in with me and the group every day. We'll set our thoughts in the morning and celebrate your wins at night.
- Live Q&A Sessions: Every week, bring your challenges, and I'll bring solutions that helped me stay clean and thrive.
👊 Our Community:
This isn’t just about staying clean; it’s about thriving. Our community is for those who aren’t satisfied with average. If you’re looking to push limits, elevate every day, and live with unyielding passion, you belong with us. We challenge each other to be our best, never settling for mediocrity.
đŸ’Ș Why Us?
- Battle-Tested Leadership: I’ve been where you are, and I know the way out.
- Full-Spectrum Transformation: We tackle addiction on all fronts—physical, emotional, and mental.
- A Family That Fights Together: In our family, no one fights alone. We stand, struggle, and succeed together.
🏆 Join the Revolution:
Think you can fight your way to freedom? Click ‘Join Now’. Together, we’ll forge a path to the life you deserve—no looking back, only moving forward.
Adam Avignone-Green
🚀 Welcome to Real Recovery Coaching – Where Real Change Begins
Real Recovery Coaching
Transform your life with us. Overcome vices, boost fitness, and chase excellence. Join for real recovery and total life wins.
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