Balance is the KEY to thriving, and living an overall enriched life. There are countless guys I know who have accomplished every professional and lifting goal they’ve ever set, however are genuinely unhappy.
Why? Because to accomplish each of those goals they failed to prioritize time for the loved ones who could have shared in those accomplishments. So yea, they achieved the “greatness” they wanted, but the riches that you’d think would’ve come with them never materialized.
How could they have remedied that? Work your ass of during the week, but put just as much (if not MORE) work into your relationships during both the weekend AND when you’re “off” work. Exhausting? Maybe. Hell, USUALLY!! But this balance is what will 100% be responsible for allowing you to live a happy and ENRICHED existence.
With that, I ask, what are you doing today to show up for your WHY?