I definitely haven't managed to master the windmill yet so any advice on proper form and how to execute it correctly would be great. I know you've done stuff on windmills before but I can't seem to get it right so any extra tips and pointers would be appreciated.
This message is as simple as it gets.. Choose wisely if you want fast, dramatic, and sustainable results in both the gym AND in life. Hands Up, KEEP FIGHTING!!!
If I chose comfort I'd still be where I was a few months ago, heavily overweight and unfit. You definitely have to put in the hard work and make sacrifices to get to where you want to be. This morning's workout was the Monday Kettlebell Cardio followed by some sets of swings, floor presses and 200 crunches. After work I got the bells out again and executed today's round of the farmers carry challenge. It's definitely paying off for me to be pushing myself to do these workouts every day. @Chandler Marchman love the Macho Man shirt! "Oh Yeah!"
I was at a friend's engagement party last night and today I went to show some support for my friends band play at a local bar. Other than that I've been getting the farmers walk challenge done and doing a bit of DIY and work in my son's room while he's at his Mum's this weekend so when he comes back in a couple of days it'll be all sorted for him