This post has absolutely NOTHING to do with fitness or diet, and EVERYTHING to do with how to make your life exponentially better. If your wife, girlfriend, significant other, child, or any loved one has had a shit day…stop what you’re doing and make them a meal that you KNOW will satisfy them. Seems like a trivial task, but in my experience not only does it take one more thing off their plate that they may not have the physical or even emotional energy to handle, but more importantly it shows you’re willing and eager to put THEM and THEIR interests ahead of your own. Some may think this could misalign with your goals in the gym, if it meant cutting your workout short (or even out), but I’m telling you right now, it is a display of love that earns you HUGE points in the future. Which in my mind is a far better long term investment for your cumulative happiness and wellbeing than the successful execution of just one workout. I’m not a big nachos guy, but trust me, this will be the best decision I make for my wellbeing all week!!! What little things do YOU DO to show up for your WHY? Let me know below! And don’t forget to chime in with your daily check in… Hands up, KEEP FIGHTING!!!