Mini-Encouragement/Accountability Group - post Thanksgiving?
I'm looking for a few guys who would like to encourage one another through the 4-week flagship program as we head into early winter.
We'd start Sunday, Nov 26 and finish Saturday, Dec 23.
We would all share our individual goals and what specific interventions we'd be following then we'd encourage one another and build each other up throughout the process.
Ideally, this would be 5-10 of us who want to share the journey.
Who wants to join me? I'd envision us having some sort of a private chat where we encourage one another, and we'd share our goals and updates on the page here weekly.
For Context/starting point, my vison/goals/interventions will look something like this:
Vision: To fully enjoy the holiday season without losing ground in my KB training or weight-loss
Goal(s): 1. To complete all 16 sessions from the flagship program between the dates of Nov 26-Dec 23.
2. To weigh no greater than 188# on Sunday, Dec 24. (my present weight after losing 10 # in Sept/Oct)
  1. Complete the flagship program, focusing on slow-and-steady execution with the best form I know, not progression in bells (I'm recovering from injury).
  2. I will drink alcohol and/or sweetened beverages like hot cocoa, egg nog, etc. no more than two days per week during the identified period.
  3. I will eat according to my whole foods and protein-focused eating plan no less than 5 days per week.
  4. I will log 8000 steps per day with no more than 3 missed days.
  5. I will make time for meal planning, shopping and prep every week for the four week period.
As you can see, these interventions/actions are mindful of this being a festive and busy month of the year with the goal of NOT LOSING PROGRESS. They will also force me to plan my indulgences mindfully... i.e. I might skip the sweet coffee drink on Thursday, knowing that I'm taking the family Christmas shopping the following Saturday.
Jake Olson
Mini-Encouragement/Accountability Group - post Thanksgiving?
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