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Free Kettlebell Transformation

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Kettlebell Academy

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45 contributions to Free Kettlebell Transformation
EMOM… how important is it?
As I’ve progressed (thanks to @Sean Griffin and @Grant Anderson amazing programming) - I’ve noticed it’s harder to level up on the big bells (40kg/44kg/48kg) with 10x10 EMOM. I’m finding I’m sacrificing form to get it done in time. I know @Grant Anderson has said not to worry about time, technique is key- but am I sacrificing the cardio gains (leaning up) if I don’t keep up EMOM? I have a tendency to say “just man up and do it…punk” But, I wanted input from my betters on what my mind set should be as I’m trying to reach and own that 48kg. Thanks!!!!
New comment Apr 18
EMOM… how important is it?
2 likes • Mar 31
I struggle to maintain the EMOM protocol with the 32kg bell during the 14 and 16 rep EMOM training weeks. To tackle this, I add 15 seconds per round during those training weeks (E75sO75s).
3 likes • Mar 31
Hi Ian, I prefer to do 14 to 16 swings, 10 times, to maintain the density in my training. By gradually increasing the exercise volume within 10 minutes, EMOM helps achieve progressive overload, leading to long-term metabolic adaptations. This workout also helps improve insulin sensitivity, increase growth hormone, and increase mitochondrial density. When doing EMOM workouts at the 10 rep range, primarily the aerobic energy system is used. As you do more repetitions, it challenges the anaerobic pathways, relying on stored glycogen for energy. Extending 10 swings to 14-16 sets (14-16 minutes) likely keeps the focus on aerobic systems. You are doing the increased volume over 14-16 minutes, giving yourself 40-60% longer to finish that exercise. However, keep in mind that the density becomes irrelevant if the form deteriorates significantly.
Flagship Upper Body Ladder: A Novel Translation
I have been consistently analyzing the paradigms and frameworks shared by KT on social media, and it's an understatement to say that they contain a treasure chest of training pearls. While they provide the necessary methods for training and progression across multiple movements, further dissection is required to identify the essential and implied tasks needed to create a complete lifelong training regimen. This can only be achieved if individuals are committed and clearly defined their short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals. After dedicating 150 days to the Flagship model, I wanted to incorporate my 35 years of various training experiences and models from other disciplines into KT's approach. As a result, I have created a novel 12-week program founded on the Flagship model. I have translated the roadmap to the 48kg getup and an upper body-focused KB press/pull ladder strategy into the flagship model. The core elements of the Flagship model remain the same: train four times a week, with sessions that last less than 50 minutes, and include an optional "Finisher" for those days when you want to push yourself further. I am excited about this block of training and the strength to follow! Stay tuned here for training updates. ⚒️
New comment Mar 20
1 like • Mar 18
@Joe Zaga Great Joe! The reverse ladders seem like a useful training variation that I plan to incorporate in my future training blocks. I hypothesize these ladders could be particularly helpful when moving up to heavier bells, as you can give your maximum effort for the maximum reps set right at the start of the training round. However, I'm not sure if reverse ladders are better for hypertrophy or strength/power development. Keep me updated.
1 like • Mar 19
@Joe ZagaYou make an interesting point. Perhaps one could alternate between ascending and descending ladders for the 4-week training blocks in the future, extending the training plan to 16 weeks to fully evaluate the outcomes of this strategy. I'm quite interested in this idea and would like to do some research to find scholarly articles and journals to validate either methodology within the context of physical enhancement. @Mike Hughes Earlier, you mentioned using ladder strategies. Do you use ascending or descending ladders? Have you documented any difference in outcomes?
Maybe hitting a wall?
Have not posted in a while. Worked up to: (Using the Flagship Program) ( 4 x per week) - 2 hand swings with 40 kg (going to 48kg) - TGU 40 kg, (couldn't get all of the 10 TGUs with 40kg). Hit a wall, felt weak. Started to do 1 hand swings: (3 to 4 x per week) - 1 hand swings with 24 kg (going to 28kg) - TGU 32 kg Last week I took a deload week because I have had a lot of stress in my life. (3 x on the week) - 2 hand swings with 28 kg - TGU with 28 kg This next week I will begin working my way up to heavier 1 hand swings. (4 x per week) - 1 hand swings 24 kg (Heavier KB of 28 kg) - TGU 32 kg (Heavier KB of 40 kg) Ive been rejected from the 40 kg TGUs maybe I can just work myself up with these "lower" bells with the 1 hand swings, after all it is less weight on my frame even if it is harder with only one hand. Any suggestions of how to proceed? @Grant Anderson
New comment Mar 15
1 like • Mar 13
@Joe Zaga If you're interested in exploring a different approach to training, I invite you to check out my training thread "Flagship Upper Body Ladder: A Novel Translation". I modified the Flagship program to span 12 weeks while maintaining the foundational elements of swings and get-ups. In addition, I added a progressive kettlebell pressing ladder and complementary pull ladders on alternate training sessions to provide a unique twist.
1 like • Mar 14
It is here under the Kettlebell Training Forum.
KB Swing Technique
Hey I did like 10 kettle bell swings with a 60 lb kettle lower back was feeling uncomfortable I wouldn't use the term pain yet.......and my neck too had a little bit of pain in naturally I stopped I am just testing out the movement......I was trying to keep my back and head aligned and pivot at the waist.......I never felt like I did this movement properly............anyone have any advice on how to do these movements properly and did this situation happen to anyone else?
New comment Feb 10
3 likes • Feb 4
Decrease your bell weight significantly, by half. Focus on perfecting your technique over the next 4 weeks. As a general guideline, you should feel the movement mostly in your glutes, thighs, and hamstrings while keeping your core tight, as if you're preparing for a gut punch.
3 likes • Feb 9
Abdominal strengthening is inherent in the get-up and swing movements. What are your abdominal strength training goals?
Been struggling to find the time
I have two small children and a wife that works shift work. So I’ve been getting into that habit that whenever I have 20-30 min of some downtime in the evening to just push myself to get to swinging the bells. Even if it’s not a great workout, something is better than nothing.
New comment Jan 29
2 likes • Jan 29
Life with two small children and a wife working shift hours can be a juggling act, leaving little time for personal fitness. However, with 20-30 minutes pre-dawn there's an opportunity to sneak in a quick kettlebell workout. Alternatively, turn your workout into a family affair by including exercises suitable for children or letting them play nearby. Setting this positive example promotes an active lifestyle for everyone.
1-10 of 45
Ak Svercek
3points to level up
Garage Gym Gorilla, looking to regain that Brick Sh_thouse strength and physique!

Active 4d ago
Joined Aug 24, 2023
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