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Free Kettlebell Transformation

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33 contributions to Free Kettlebell Transformation
Fit for the Holidays Week 4! Final Week.
Hey guys, I hope you're all still going strong into week 4. Let's hear some updates. What's been going well, what have been the struggles? Are you meeting your overall goals? Let's rock this final week of the accountability/encouragement group. Thanks for all of your contributions to the group these past few weeks: @Eric Hicks @Jared Belmarsh @Mike Hughes @Nathan Ellefsen @Tom Kortegaard @Grant Anderson
New comment Jan 2
1 like • Dec '23
for me, I have an ache that runs from the base of my neck to my shoulder on my right side. I've started to develop what seems like tennis elbow on one arm. I really struggle with my right glute getting and staying super tight when I'm working out hard with the swings and getups. I'm curious what you guys do to mitigate the aches and pains. I do most of @Grant Anderson 's routine on this video most days before getting started
2 likes • Dec '23
wrapping up this 4-week run sometime this afternoon. super happy with the progress I've been making and at the same time super frustrated about something acting up in my stomach... I think its an Epigastric Hernia... something tells me it's not gonna fix itself.
Fit for the Holidays Week #2 - Discussion Thread 
Hey everyone - It’s been a great week of encouragement and accountability from all of you guys! This is a new thread for week #2 check-ins and for the weekly discussion questions. I'd love to hear from all of you on the questions below as we start the week. 1.  How did week 1 go for all of you?  What were your challenges, what were your victories? 2. What is one way that you enjoyed the holiday season over the past week?  3. Share about a time you felt good about the progress you’re making in your fitness journey.  Let’s keep the momentum going!
New comment Dec '23
1 like • Dec '23
@Mike Hughes love hearing that you got your boy involved. I keep hoping that my kids will ask me to teach them how to do the Turkish get up. Of course I will defer to the videos.
0 likes • Dec '23
@Jared Belmarsh sorry for your loss. It's been great having you in the group. I'd love to do something like this again later in 2024 as well. Thanks for taking part. Safe travels!
Fit for the Holidays - Encouragement Group - Intro thread & Week 1
This thread is for guys who want to participate in a 4-week encouragement/accountability group. *Fit for the Holidays* is a group for guys who want to make progress or resist losing progress in their training with bells for the 4 weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Set your own goals and criteria for success, share what you want to share, and encourage one another. The challenge starts Monday, Nov 27. Let’s go! For the intro thread, answer the following questions: 1. VISION: What is your Vision or your “Why” for the next 4 weeks of training? 2. GOALS: What are the 1 or 2 concrete goals that would define success for the next 4 weeks? 3. ACTIONS: What actions, interventions, or plans will you implement over the next 4 weeks to achieve your goals?  4. BACKGROUND: Give a brief bio of yourself in 3-4 sentences.  See my first comment for an example.
New comment Dec '23
0 likes • Dec '23
@Jared Belmarsh the steps don't seem like they should be so hard to get in... but it's an hour of walking.
1 like • Dec '23
@Eric Hicks Nice work. I played pickle ball for 2 hours tonight and just barely crossed 8000.
Get Up Gains
I was using a 50 Lbs KB for get ups 4 weeks ago, and today I did 2/2 with a 62 Lbs KB (out of my 5 get ups for the day) with ease! Did 3 singles with a 70 the other day too. Feeling incredible from this program 💪🏻💪🏻 25 minute workouts are easy on my schedule too 🔥 too good not to do this!!
New comment Dec '23
3 likes • Dec '23
Yes!!!. Congratulations. I can really relate. I've shared this a million times, but a year ago when I first started watching Grant's videos on Instagram, the thought of doing a getup with my 28kg bell felt like an absolute fantasy. Now it's my "moderate" bell and I've done many getups with the 32kg. It now seems like a fantasy to do getups with the 40 kg bell... but it'll come. I really identify with your comment that the program is too good not to do.
Mini-Encouragement/Accountability Group - post Thanksgiving?
I'm looking for a few guys who would like to encourage one another through the 4-week flagship program as we head into early winter. We'd start Sunday, Nov 26 and finish Saturday, Dec 23. We would all share our individual goals and what specific interventions we'd be following then we'd encourage one another and build each other up throughout the process. Ideally, this would be 5-10 of us who want to share the journey. Who wants to join me? I'd envision us having some sort of a private chat where we encourage one another, and we'd share our goals and updates on the page here weekly. For Context/starting point, my vison/goals/interventions will look something like this: Vision: To fully enjoy the holiday season without losing ground in my KB training or weight-loss Goal(s): 1. To complete all 16 sessions from the flagship program between the dates of Nov 26-Dec 23. 2. To weigh no greater than 188# on Sunday, Dec 24. (my present weight after losing 10 # in Sept/Oct) Interventions/Actions: 1. Complete the flagship program, focusing on slow-and-steady execution with the best form I know, not progression in bells (I'm recovering from injury). 2. I will drink alcohol and/or sweetened beverages like hot cocoa, egg nog, etc. no more than two days per week during the identified period. 3. I will eat according to my whole foods and protein-focused eating plan no less than 5 days per week. 4. I will log 8000 steps per day with no more than 3 missed days. 5. I will make time for meal planning, shopping and prep every week for the four week period. As you can see, these interventions/actions are mindful of this being a festive and busy month of the year with the goal of NOT LOSING PROGRESS. They will also force me to plan my indulgences mindfully... i.e. I might skip the sweet coffee drink on Thursday, knowing that I'm taking the family Christmas shopping the following Saturday.
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
@Eric Hicks and @Jared Belmarsh Looks like it might be just the three of us. I'm still up for this if it's a smaller group. Do you guys want to run it as a thread on here, a private FB group, or some other platform? I'm excited about having a plan, a group, and some accountability for the next 4 weeks.
3 likes • Nov '23
@Mike Hughes I think a Monday start works.
1-10 of 33
Jake Olson
273points to level up
I’m a 45 year old father, husband and therapist. I love staying active -have been following Grant and swinging kettle bells consistently since Nov-22.

Active 67d ago
Joined Jul 6, 2023
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