Friday ✅ List
I know a lot of you in here have serious goals. So here’s a simple check in to see how your week has been so far…
Where are we at on these action items 👇
✅ 4 training sessions
✅ 10,000 steps daily
✅ 7+ hours of sleep every night (bonus for 8+)
✅ 1/2 Bodyweight in Oz of Water daily
✅ Daily awareness of food - for most this would be sticking to the list in the classroom section daily. If you didn’t stick to the list give yourself an honest go at ONE week - see what happens.
✅ One expression of gratitude daily
Every single one of you has the power to create any reality you want. If you aren’t seeing changes… this is a good list to start with.
Grant Anderson
Friday ✅ List
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