24 Hour Shut Down Notice (+ Special Offer To Try The Kettlebell Academy FREE for 7 Days)
Hey everyone! Just wanted to thank all of you who joined and participated in this free group. The time has finally come - tomorrow (Wednesday, Apr 24th) @ 12PM EST we'll be officially CLOSING this group down.
If you've enjoyed the content we've put out and you want more of it, I'd highly encourage you to check out The Kettlebell Academy (KBA)!
We've had over 130 men join the KBA in the month since launching, and the feedback has been very positive.
馃巵 Here is a special link to start a 7-day KBA Trial for FREE: https://bit.ly/kba-free-trial
The free trial will be well worth it regardless if you choose to continue, as you'll get instant access to nine unique bonuses valued at over $3,397 AND the first 4-weeks of 'done-for-you-programming' in our Kettlebell Academy Training Roadmap (over 2.5 years in total!)
Thank you again for your support!
Hope to see you inside the KBA,
Sean & Grant
Sean Griffin
24 Hour Shut Down Notice (+ Special Offer To Try The Kettlebell Academy FREE for 7 Days)
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We help busy men transform their bodies and get kettlebell strong from home without sacrificing family or career time.
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