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🫁 Breathx Underground is happening in 22 hours
Saturday session for 26th October
Really sorry not able to make tomorrow's session as I have to look after my grandson for the afternoon. Will do the recording. Have a great weekend. Jackie x
Grief and death
Can anyone offer suggestions: I had a death in the family this week, very important person in my life . I regularly practice the one breath recovery however, I’m struggling, can’t hold for 5 seconds with out feeling like I’m gasping for air.
New comment Sep 25
Alternate Nostril Breathing
This is no doubt a dumb question but I’m going to ask anyway 😊 how does Alternate Nostril breathing down regulate your nervous system? If my understanding is correct, one nostril stimulates and the other calms. So if you are using a constant breath for inhale and exhale, wouldn’t you stay as you as you are? Or is it a case of having a coherent breath will bring the nervous system into balance just by balancing the breath? I can understand a longer exhale bringing about down regulation, but haven’t quite got my head around this
New comment Sep 22
Zoom - can’t get in…
Hey!!! I’m on the road currently On my way to the shooting range and cannot get into the zoom link. Just wanted to let you know.
IRV/ERV Stretch
I’ve noticed when doing the IRV/ERV stretch that when I do anything rotational (as in opening up the thoracic spine), I get a lot of feedback and tightness in my lower back Before I do the stretch I follow the vides to release the lats, pecs, intercostals and open up the thoracic. Is it worth doing a bit of work on opening up the lower back and hips too beforehand? If so are there are mobility drills anyone can suggest that they find helpful?
New comment Sep 8
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Breathx Underground
Take back your mental, physical and spiritual health through structured breath and ancestral practices. Find yourself, come home to your body, & heal.
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