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Advice for meatless Fridays as an athlete?
Hey y’all! I’m a high school athlete (football & lacrosse) and this lent I began fasting & meatless Fridays. I’ve continued it past lent because I think it helped me have more faith in the Lord, but football season is here and I don’t know how I want to go about it. I’ve talked with Joe and discerned that I probably won’t be fasting. That said, how would y’all do meatless? My pre and post practice is already meat free - yogurt & then a protein shake w/milk, whey, & berries - but lunch isn’t. Usually consists of burger patties or grilled chicken with potatoes. Fish and eggs aren’t really feasible - again I’m a student athlete so I’ll be at school and neither are good in that environment or cold. What would y’all eat? Preferably 60g of protein and 7-800kcal. Thanks!
New comment 2d ago
Scoring Touchdowns for the Glory of God!! 🏈🏟️
Todays workout 1 mile run 30 minutes of Legs 🦵 🦿 1 full hour of flag football with the Catholic league in KC Total calories burned: 1300 🔥🔥🔥☄️
Back Day Baby! 🏋️🏃‍♂️
Currently sitting at 277lbs (24lbs lost) while shedding some fat and gaining some muscle. We took it up to the next level in my cardio phase and decided to run 5K. Still eating around 2500 calories. Todays workout 5K run - 1st time since 2021 when I ran my first 5K! We’re making progress towards this. 3 sets 185 dead lifts 5-8 reps 4 sets of 20lbs arm curls 10 reps per arm 4 sets of back row 100 lbs 8-10 reps 4 sets of lat downs 60lbs 20 reps Total calories burned: 1090 🔥🔥🔥
New comment 8d ago
Fitness advice
I am getting back to going to the gym after being a way for a while. How can I incorporate cardio and weights together as I have limited time to get my workouts in. Thanks for any advice.
New comment 8d ago
Is variety the key to consistency in fitness?
I'm 39 years old. I started doing CrossFit when I was 36 and BJJ (Brazilian jiu-jitsu) when I was 37. Before that, I spent years at a fairly standard gym, but I was looking for a change. Currently, a normal week for me is going to the gym about 5 times (sometimes 6, sometimes 4): 2 to 3 days at the standard gym, 1 or 2 days at CrossFit, and 1 day at BJJ. There are a number of potential criticisms of this- "You'll never really progress at BJJ going only once a week," or "You'll miss out on the intentional programming at CrossFit if you don't go more often," or "You're targeting muscle groups so infrequently with random days at a regular gym," among others. As time goes on, I'm less confident those criticisms are accurate, but even if they are, this more varied routine is something I'm really enjoying. Some weeks, due to work and other factors, I miss going to CrossFit and/or BJJ. My days at the standard gym involve usually a barbell movement initially (squats, front squats, deadlifts, or romanian deadlifts), followed by a variety of movements, 4 or 5 sets for each, not really planned in advance. Each day, I usually do just one and at most two movements for a given muscle group- avoiding the "chest day, arm day," etc. mindset which often leads to diminishing returns on a given day due to "junk volume" for a muscle group as I learned from a great coach. There's a lot more I could say about CrossFit, but overall, it's the best combination of strength and cardio I've ever found. For BJJ- it was something which was way outside my prior experiences and comfort zone. It also incorporates a lot of mobility and core strength in ways I didn't anticipate. There can definitely be value in following a more consistent and specific fitness program/routine. But there can also be value in mixing things up. What do you think? What has worked or hasn't worked for you?
New comment 11d ago
Is variety the key to consistency in fitness?
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