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Hey guys! Time for the next challenge 😎 but before we do... We have to announce the winner of the challenge, which is... @Juan Archila!! 🎉 As you might remember, he posted the most pics of himeself at the gym 💪 His prize is a SUNDAY MASS PUMPCOVER whoo!!! Make sure to congratulate him! ------------------------------ OK, now on to the next challenge... The prize is a HARDCOVER collection of Bishop Barron's discussion on Vatican II 🏆 And we're doing a GYM ROSARY CHALLENGE! 📢 RULES 📢 You'll reply to this post with a pic of you praying the rosary. That's worth 1 point. That's easy enough. But to DOUBLE your points... I want you to take a picture of you with the rosary AT THE GYM. That way I can see you hit the gym that day AND prayed the rosary (and didn't use an old gym photo hahah) Challenge starts NOW and goes till next Sunday. Annnd BEGIN!!
New comment 3d ago
[ENDED, Winner Chosen Soon] FREE Sunday Mass PUMPCOVER 🏆 - Holy Hour/Power Hour CHALLENGE!
Alright, this challenge is sweet 😎 The purpose of this challenge is to get as much time into the gym and adoration as possible. Here's the rules: - When you go to the gym this week, take a picture and post it here in the comments. - When you go to adoration this week, take a picture and post it here in the comments. - Each gym pic is worth 1 point - EACH adoration pic is worth 2 points! Person with the most points by next Sunday wins!! And the prize is a Sunday Mass Pumpcover 😎😎😎 Aaaaand begin!
New comment 27d ago
[ENDED, Winner Chosen Soon] FREE Sunday Mass PUMPCOVER 🏆 - Holy Hour/Power Hour CHALLENGE!
🟢 PURPOSE - The purpose of this community is to bring together Catholic men who are simply sick and tired of living under the thumb of Leftist culture. You put on a mask in public because you fear being judged, or canceled, you went to college because you were supposed to, and you work a job you don't love because you just want to make enough money to provide. - The Catholic communities you've been a part of are very nice...the other guys are good Catholic men. BUT...there's not a strong desire to level up. To be be fulfilled in your labor. To become financially independent. To be jacked. To be socially atrractive. To be the best version of yourself. ❓ WHY DOES THIS MATTER? - IT IS OUR BELIEF that the best way to push the needle back towards tradition is for Catholic men to crush it in life. Being on top of their game in all areas is what truly inspires others. And by others I mean people who don't think like us. - This means they don't trade their values for a paycheck - they either work for a company with similar values, or do their own thing. They don't allow themselves to be out of shape - it's not inspiring. They don't allow themselves to be awkward - social attractiveness is necessary for evangilizing. - If we're TRULY going to win back the culture, we're going to do so through influence. But to be influential, we need to be exceptional. 🟢 PATH The path towards this goal is simple: 1. Get in Shape 2. Figure out what you're meant to do in life 3. Learn how to monetize it 4. Do that as much as you can while fulfilling familial duties 5. Do it at an exceptional standard so you influence others - This community will act as a hub for us to inpire others, form connections, and build each other up. We want each other to win. 🟢 PROGRESS Each Tier of the Based & Built Academy has Levels. The courses at each level are designed to help you self-develop in a variety of areas. Take what you can at each level, implement it, and progress to the next level. When you're ready, you can apply to the next Tier where more training, resources and mentorship is available to help you keep growing.
New comment 15d ago
I Wish Guys Knew Quitting 🟠⚫ Was This Easy
I quit 🌽 4 years ago and largely attribute it to this one tip. Guys who struggle with porn - where do you usually relapse? The bathroom. I realized this and so I went on the offensive. I placed an icon of my patron saint, a crucifix, and a statue of our Lady on my bathroom sink. It works as a beautiful decoration but also a reality check. There's 0% chance I'm going to debase myself in front of those items. I'm also not going to move those items out of the bathroom, debase myself, and then move the items back. That'd would just be super twisted. So -> Having those religious items gave me the split second of clarity I needed to resist temptation. I still have them in my bathroom to this day. Must always stay alert. Try this out and let me know how it goes. P.s. another cool tip is to do a consecration to St Joseph and wear a St Joseph chord around your waist. Serves a similar purpose. To debase yourself you'd have to see the chord first and either leave it or take it off. 99% of guys would never do this - too twisted.
New comment 50m ago
I Wish Guys Knew Quitting 🟠⚫ Was This Easy
#1 Place To Meet Nice Catholic Girls
If my girlfriend were to randomly dump me today... And for some reason I'm only allowed to get women through one method / place... I know for a fact I could have a date set up with a cool girl by next week. And my place of choice would be swing dancing events at a parish in my neighborhood. .................................................................................................... These events are full of single Catholic women looking for a guy. They are receptive to being approached. Another thing - breaking the touch barrier is important for building attraction and connection. And at a dancing event it's NORMAL to break the touch barrier within the first 30sec of meeting a woman and asking her to dance... Some Catholic dudes i know can't even break the touch barrier after 2-3 dates! So learn a couple moves from YouTube - then go to a swing dancing event with some single buddies. And ask 5 different women to dance. Talk to them, flirt with them and see if there's a connection. If there's a connection - get her number. Or you can also play the long game and just leave without getting their info - but figure out a way to see her again. I.e. ask her what youth groups she's a part of and make a point to go to an event or two (with buddies so you're not alone) that she'll be there - where you can further the connection and potentially ask her out.
New comment 51m ago
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