2d ago (edited) in General
3 Morning Routine Tips for Catholic Men
What’s up brothers!
I know a lot of you guys want to get a great start to your morning. Whether that’s praying and then hitting the gym, or just getting up at the time you want to.
Well a key reason a lot of people mess up is because they DON’T have the right SYSTEMS in place for their morning routine ❌
Here’s a few tips for you so you can SHOW UP every day and not fall off again.
1️⃣ Align the first thoughts
As soon as we wake up, we DON’T want to let our minds wander. “I’m so tired, maybe I’ll check Instagram, etc.” are not allowed. Instead, we’re going to immediately go into prayer or gratitude.
For me, that is saying “thank you” for a few things as soon as I wake up, and then saying the first part of the Rosary.
My FIRST THOUGHTS are about God and being thankful. That’s how you want to start thinking for the day.
2️⃣ Get moving
Nothing will wake you up more than just moving your body when you wake up.
The easist way to do this is to go for a 10-minute walk IDEALLY outside because your body absorbs the lumines from the sun and tells your body to wake up.
3️⃣ Remind yourself “why” you’re going about your day
Now that you’ve aligned your thoughts and built got moving, we now want to remind ourselves WHY we are going about our day.
Why are you going to work?
What are you working so hard?
What’s the plan?
The best way I’ve found is to film a video of yourself laying out the entire plan for your health, wealth, and relationships in the next 6 months. Add emotion to it, and make it very clear.
Then, watch/listen to that every single day ✅
Those tips will make you SO ready to take on the day. And more importantly, keep you consistent 😎
Joe Jarrell
3 Morning Routine Tips for Catholic Men
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