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Hey Shoo WOW Awakening

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13 contributions to Hey Shoo WOW Awakening
What would the best version of me do now?
What would the best version of me do now? This is a great question to fire at the start of the day to set yourself up for a positive and productive day - especially when you have things on your to-do list that you are not inspired to do (like housework πŸ₯± yawn). "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." - Zen Buddhist Quote Some great answers to this question if you have a few minutes to spare to raise your vibration: 🌟 Take 5 deep breaths 🌟 Dance 🌟 Step out in nature 🌟 Plant or pick flowers 🌟 Hug a loved one 🌟 Pet your pet 🌟 Journal 🌟 Count your blessings 🌟 Eat colourful fresh fruit or veg 🌟 Drink water or herbal tea It's also a particularly useful question to ask when you're not sure what to do or say in a tricky situation. When you're feeling conflicted or stressed and you really need to draw on that bigger, higher, best part of you. Try this question out and let us know how it goes for you. What did this question prompt you to do today? In Love πŸ’ and Light 🌟 Lauren #bestversionofme #questionstoaskyourself
New comment 23d ago
What would the best version of me do now?
1 like β€’ 26d
The best version of you would probably take a moment to reflect on your goals and priorities, then take positive steps towards achieving them. Maybe it's time for some self-care, pursuing your hobbies. What do you think the best version of you would do now?
Curious about Hey Shoo WOW Adventure?
Are you curious to know what's happening in Hey Shoo WOW Adventure? Here's how our first week has been going. We had our first coaching session on Monday on the Hero's Journey. (I'll be running these once a month as newcomers join the community) The participants in the session shared that their current Hero's Journey is about building CONFIDENCE and SELF WORTH and they were eager to start working on this right away. So we set up a 2nd Coaching Call this week on Positive Intelligence - How to Weaken the Judge Saboteur. It's happening TOMORROW (Thursday, 6th June) at 12 Noon CAT/CET. If you'd like to participate, you can still join Hey Shoo WOW Adventure at only $8 a month (and remember you will get to enjoy that rate for as long as you remain a member). You get to experience live group coaching sessions at an absolute steal! Join via this link: Why join this coaching session? Here are 9 AWESOME Reasons πŸ‘‡ The Judge Saboteur is that critical inner voice that judges ourselves, others, and situations - and it can wreak havoc in our lives and make us (and those close to us) very unhappy. When we learn how to weaken the judge, we get to experience many positive changes in all aspects of life, including the following: 1. Improved Mental Health 2. Increased Self-Esteem and Confidence 3. Better Relationships 4. Enhanced Productivity and Performance 5. Greater Resilience and Adaptability 6. Improved Physical Health 7. Enhanced Decision-Making 8. Increased Happiness and Well-Being 9. Enhanced Personal Growth If you'd like to focus on improving any of these aspects of your life, come join us Hey Shoo WOW Adventure. 🌟 #heyshoowowadventure #latestnews #positiveintelligence #judgesaboteur
New comment 29d ago
Curious about Hey Shoo WOW Adventure?
2 likes β€’ 29d
Absolutely, I'm super curious about what's unfolding in the Hey Shoo WOW Adventure. It sounds like such an exciting journey filled with positivity and growth. What's the latest update or lesson you've learned from it? πŸŒŸπŸš€
1 like β€’ 29d
@Lauren Kinghorn great
Congrats! πŸŽ‰ and Thank You
Super Congrats to all our Top 10 and especially to @Rose McClement @Nandi Pieterse and @Jill du Preez for leading the way in our first week. ✨️ You are superstars! 🌟 Thank You πŸ™ to all our 27 members for being part of our community and engaging with each other when you can. Golden Tip to Climb the Leaderboard: Every time you like or comment on a post you earn points. You ALSO earn points when others like and comment on YOUR posts. Remember: I'm gifting 🎁 a 1-on-1 session to the person who is top of the 30-day Leaderboard on 27th June. Have fun! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
New comment 29d ago
Congrats! πŸŽ‰ and Thank You
1 like β€’ 29d
@Rose McClement Absolutely, I can't wait to see what exciting things are coming next. "Watch this space..." sounds like there are some awesome plans in the works. I'm looking forward to it! πŸŒŸπŸ‘€
1 like β€’ 29d
@Lauren Kinghorn yeah big family
How did you enjoy your first PQ Reps? | Positive Intelligence
I'd love to know, how did you feel after doing your first few PQ Reps? (PQ = Positive Intelligence Quotient) PQ Reps build the muscle in the pre-frontal cortex of the brain much like doing reps in the Gym build noticeable muscles in the body. One thing to note here is that it takes time and daily practice to build any muscle. So your first few PQ reps may not make you feel all that different. It's building the habit of doing regular PQ reps that makes the difference. And PQ reps work best if we practice them a few times every day, not just once a day. Just as building muscles and building your physical fitness becomes easier with regular workout sessions, you'll find building the "feel good and clear thinking" brain muscle and mental fitness becomes easier over time. This is what we'll be doing for the first few weeks over in Hey Shoo WOW Adventure. The Benefits of doing PQ Reps again are: Weakening your saboteurs Strengthening your sage powers Improving your self-command This helps you face your challenges and fears with a clear, calm, positive, curious growth mindset. It also helps alleviate anxiety, stress and worry. If this sounds exciting to you, come join us: PS. Look out for my next Positive Intelligence video about the sage perspective and sage powers. #pqreps #positiveintelligencequotient
New comment 29d ago
How did you enjoy your first PQ Reps? | Positive Intelligence
1 like β€’ 29d
I was buzzing with energy after my first few PQ Reps! It felt like a burst of positivity and motivation, ready to tackle whatever comes my way. Have you tried them yet? How did they make you feel? 🌟πŸ’ͺ
What are Your Saboteurs? | Positive Intelligence
How are you self-sabotaging? Are you curious to know what your top saboteurs are? Pop over to take the Saboteur Assessment here: And then, if you feel comfortable, please share your first 3 Saboteurs below. You can either take a screenshot of the results you receive in the email (as I have) or simply type your top 3 in the comments. PS. Cautionary Note: Please don't make make yourself wrong about having Saboteurs. We all have them. And... All of our Saboteurs started out protecting us when we were children, they come from our survival brain, they were how we felt we would survive and thrive. And the flip side of Saboteurs is that they also indicate our biggest strengths - that's why we hold to them so fiercely, identifying them as who we are. It's only when your Saboteurs start running the show and stressing you out, or making you feel resentful that they cause challenges in your life. #saboteurs #selfsabotage #positiveintelligence
New comment 29d ago
What are Your Saboteurs? | Positive Intelligence
1 like β€’ 29d
I'm quite intrigued to explore my top saboteurs and understand how I might be self-sabotaging. It's always enlightening to uncover those hidden patterns and work towards overcoming them. What insights have you gained from discovering your own saboteurs? πŸ€”πŸ’‘
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Frederick Morgan
43points to level up
The constant in the matters in life is changed so try to be happy by all means, daddy of two beautiful kids love fun

Active 5h ago
Joined Jun 7, 2024
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