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Thank YOU and Goodbye for Now - It's been SUCH FUN!
Hi Everyone A quick heads-up... today or tomorrow, my communities will be archived in Skool. Before that happens, I want you all to know how grateful I am for your support, encouragement, motivation and inspiration. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 🌟💗🌟 THANK YOU to ALL OF YOU for engaging in this community, sharing your special light, your love and your wisdom. You have all been amazing! And most especially to the 3 ladies who are at the top of the leaderboard 1. @Nandi Pieterse 2. @Rose McClement 3. @Jill du Preez Who also just happen to be the 3 ladies at the top of the leaderboard in my paid community Hey Shoo WOW Adventure Who are also the 3 ladies who have joined the Positive Intelligence (PQ Program) And the 3 ladies who have joined me for EFT Tapping Sessions. These 3 ladies engaged the most, contributed the most, and also received the most in return. Special mention goes to @David McGraw @Saajida Fakir and @Brock Bourquin who have also been a great contribution to me, personally, as well as to this community. I hope you feel you all have received VALUE from being here. If you haven't watched any of the videos in the Classroom yet, there may still be time for you to receive value before the "doors close". It's been a fabulous month with you all and I would have loved to have continued building this community, however it seems that now is not the time (as the $99 for the monthly subscription to Skool has not appeared yet). THE PLAN GOING FORWARD It's all good. I see this as a gift and opportunity. And am grateful for the lessons learned. I'm planning to be build a new Skool Community (bigger, brighter, bolder and better than before) once that is no longer a hurdle for me.
New comment 12d ago
Thank YOU and Goodbye for Now - It's been SUCH FUN!
Know what you’re fighting for!!!
Know what you’re fighting for !!! Find out what it is that you truly stand for by thinking about the kind of people, beings, and energies that you’d want to surround yourself with. Think about the way they carry themselves, their morals, and ways of being that align and resonate with you so much to where you’d be willing fight for those same ideals both metaphorically and physically. Know that when you identify that and fight for those same ideals that they carry, you’re fighting for their sake too. It is what unlocks your most powerful authentic self that contains and unlocks your highest levels of confidence, strength, and motivation. It’s easy to lose sight of this. And trust me I’ve been in that place both in this reality and in my past experiences of life, such as the video above. It makes you feel like you’re not quite alive but not quite dead either. It makes you feel like you’re just floating around without a cause. So I hope to anyone that has forgotten it or never properly established it to begin with, that this post serves as a good reminder for you and helps. Also, figuring this out and being in your most powerful authentic self will give you more strength to deal with any negative/abusive people you encounter without being sucked into reaction-based anger, sadness, people pleasing, and or victim mindsets. It will help you stand up to and speak up to those kinda people when needed without losing your cool and centeredness. Even if you do have to kick their ass. And it will help you with having the self worth to remove any people from your life that you truly don’t want to be surrounding yourself with. Without feeling bad about it or falling into the people pleaser trap of giving them countless more chances and being content with their BS. ⚔️✨💫🖤
New comment 18d ago
Staying in the energy of your new self
So something I’ve been struggling with is knowing I’m a new person in every moment since every moment is a new reality, and I’ll align to the version of me I desire, but then I’ll get sucked back into the trap of wanting out of lack and I feel it’s because I’m addicted to social media and my phone. I feel like once you do know that you already have everything you want and you’re aligned to the you that you want to be, it’s best to put the phone down and go outside and do something productive so that you can get your mind off of it and stay in that energy. Do something fun and that you enjoy that takes your mind off of it all. That way you can hold that energy longer and better.
New comment 27d ago
Welcome to Hey Shoo WOW Awakening
Welcome welcome to our Hey Shoo WOW Community. So thrilled to have you here! If you decide, after watching the first few videos, to be a member of this community, you are also a founding member of the Hey Shoo WOW Movement. Woohooo! So, let's start by answering the question, What is Hey Shoo WOW? In this video, I explain the possible origins of Hey Shoo WOW and give you a definition of Hey Shoo WOW. Let me know in the comments what sounds most exciting to you in this video. #whatisheyshoowow #heyshoowowdefinition #heyshoowoworigins
New comment 29d ago
Welcome to Hey Shoo WOW Awakening
Congrats! 🎉 and Thank You
Super Congrats to all our Top 10 and especially to @Rose McClement @Nandi Pieterse and @Jill du Preez for leading the way in our first week. ✨️ You are superstars! 🌟 Thank You 🙏 to all our 27 members for being part of our community and engaging with each other when you can. Golden Tip to Climb the Leaderboard: Every time you like or comment on a post you earn points. You ALSO earn points when others like and comment on YOUR posts. Remember: I'm gifting 🎁 a 1-on-1 session to the person who is top of the 30-day Leaderboard on 27th June. Have fun! 🎉🎉
New comment 29d ago
Congrats! 🎉 and Thank You
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Hey Shoo WOW Awakening
Welcome to Hey Shoo WOW Awakening, a free Community led by Lauren Kinghorn to share our inner light, love and joy. Let's get Hey Shoo WOW!!
Leaderboard (30-day)
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