Write something
What if I chose to feel better right now?
What if I could just snap my fingers and feel better? This question works particularly well when you're feeling down, exhausted or overwhelmed. Or when you have an activity to do that you really don't feel like doing. Like housework. Or taxes. Or grudge payments. Or when you've just had an altercation with someone and you feel misunderstood or falsely accused. Or when someone has cut you off in traffic and your blood is boiling. Sometimes just remembering you have a choice to feel better is enough to let it go, shrug it off, to lift your spirits. Sometimes this question is all you need to snap out of it and go on your merry way. It's also a great question to ask in combination with the 3 previous questions: 1.Can I give myself permission to feel good before I get what I want? 2.How can I feel better now? 3.Do I want to change the situation or do I want to feel better now? Before you try these out, rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10. 1, you're feeling yuck. 10, you're feeling fantastic. Then, rate yourself again after you've asked yourself these questions. How much better do you feel? #whatif #feelbetternow
New comment 13d ago
What if I chose to feel better right now?
What if it were all just an interesting point of view?
Sharing this now because it came up in our Zoom session this morning. Have you ever felt frustrated because you couldn't see eye to eye with someone - perhaps someone you love? Maybe you're even in this situation now with someone and it's causing you upset and making you feel sad or angry. You feel judged by them and they feel judged by you and no-one's budging? Does this feel heavy or light? I'm guessing it feels heavy. Would you like to feel lighter? Here's a simple tool of Access Consciousness®️ you can use to make you feel lighter. What if you could drop your resistance to their judgments and opinions... what if everything anyone said was just an interesting point of view? Here's how you use this tool... As you think of the situation, or what they said, say to yourself... "Interesting point of view, they have that point of view"... a few times, with feeling, until it starts feeling lighter. Sometimes, you may also need to say, "Interesting point of view, I have this point of view" a few times. And sometimes this one might do the trick, "Interesting point of view, I have this point of view they have that point of view". When you start smiling or even laughing, you know your "work" is done, this tool has worked its magic. You can end off with, "It's just an interesting point of view". In time, this becomes your first thought whenever you have a difference of opinion with someone. How much more peaceful will your life be when it's no longer important for anyone to share your point of view? ✨️ #toolsofaccess #accessconsciousness #interestingpointofview
What if it were all just an interesting point of view?
Do I want to change the situation or do I want to feel better now?
Sometimes, when things aren't going our way, when life is throwing us curve balls, resistance comes up. We try fight the circumstances. Yet most often these circumstances are out of our control. We complain about the corruption in the government, taxes, regulations and rising fuel prices, as if we can change them. We argue with people, partners, parents, children or siblings, as if we can change them. We battle with the past, as if we can change it. As Byron Katie, author of "Loving What Is" is fond of saying: "Arguing with reality is like trying to teach a cat to bark—hopeless." What can we change? Our thoughts, our feelings, our attitude, our focus, ourselves, and our habits. When we were worried about something, my Gran always used to say: "think happy thoughts". Gran's are wise like that. A study conducted at Stanford University found that 90% of the 60,000+ thoughts we have each day are repetitive thoughts - the same thoughts you had yesterday and the day before that. And if your life is not going the way you had hoped, you can bet that most of those thoughts are negative rather than positive. Yet, if we choose, we can consciously, mindfully change negative thoughts to positive ones simply by changing our focus from negative to positive. The easiest ways I know how to do this are: 🌟 Counting my blessings 🙌 (gratitude) 🌟 Asking empowering questions (reframing) 🌟 Doing PQ Reps (Positive Intelligence) 🌟 Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) 🌟 Self Hypnosis / Meditation / Prayer 🧘‍♀️ 🌟 Giving or receiving an Access Bars session 🌟 Being out in nature 🌟 Exercising (walking, dancing, swimming) 🌟 Journalling ✍️ We can switch from the habit of complaining to the habit of gratitude and appreciation. We can switch out meaningless questioning for meaningful questioning. We can focus on what is right about our lives, our loved ones, our world, instead of what's wrong. When journalling, think about your positive qualities. What was great about your childhood? What do you love about life? Who have been your greatest influences?
Do I want to change the situation or do I want to feel better now?
How can I feel better now?
How can I feel better now? For those moments when you're not feeling your happiest or most energetic. For those moments when you're feeling downright glum. For those moments when you're stressed, anxious, frustrated or angry, this question is great medicine to raise your vibration fast. It's designed to inspire great answers... more positive thoughts you can think, words you can write on a page, mindmaps you can create, pictures you can doodle, or things you can do that will make you feel better. Sometimes the answer that comes to mind is super simple, like get up off this couch and make myself a cup of coffee or tea. Sometimes you may want to have a good cry or tackle the challenge head-on until you resolve it. Or you may want to get outdoors and do something active. Or take a nap. Sometimes you may need a little more help. You might reach out to a friend or coach to help you figure things out. You might want to enjoy an empowering self-hypnosis session c/o the amazing @David McGraw Or do some PQ Reps. You might want to use a technique like Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) to release stuck, heavy emotions. - I'll be teaching you this today. These are all healthy ways to feel better now. What's the first thought that pops into your mind when you ask the question: How can I feel better now? #howcanifeelbetter
New comment 17d ago
How can I feel better now?
How am I happy, fulfilled, abundant and supported?
How am I happy, fulfilled, abundant and supported right now? Have you noticed how often you're thinking of what you don't have? Today, notice what's bothering you, notice what you think or feel you are lacking. And then ask yourself, where do I have that in my life right now? What you notice and acknowledge grows. What you pay attention to grows. What you are grateful for grows. What you think about you bring about. Choose the good thoughts. The happy thoughts. Choose beauty, joy, abundance, harmony. Choose love. ❤️ It's all there for you, if you just look. #howamihappy #howamiabundant #howamisupported
New comment 18d ago
How am I happy, fulfilled, abundant and supported?
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