What if I chose to feel better right now?
What if I could just snap my fingers and feel better?
This question works particularly well when you're feeling down, exhausted or overwhelmed.
Or when you have an activity to do that you really don't feel like doing. Like housework. Or taxes. Or grudge payments.
Or when you've just had an altercation with someone and you feel misunderstood or falsely accused.
Or when someone has cut you off in traffic and your blood is boiling.
Sometimes just remembering you have a choice to feel better is enough to let it go, shrug it off, to lift your spirits.
Sometimes this question is all you need to snap out of it and go on your merry way.
It's also a great question to ask in combination with the 3 previous questions:
1.Can I give myself permission to feel good before I get what I want?
2.How can I feel better now?
3.Do I want to change the situation or do I want to feel better now?
Before you try these out, rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10.
1, you're feeling yuck.
10, you're feeling fantastic.
Then, rate yourself again after you've asked yourself these questions.
How much better do you feel?
#whatif #feelbetternow
Lauren Kinghorn
What if I chose to feel better right now?
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