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Bonus Module tonight!
Hey team! Happy Sunday morning! We finished a bonus module that we are releasing on YouTube tonight at 6 PM. I think it’s a very very important concept which will help a lot of people. I know it has helped me tremendously. I hope that link works, but I will send out another message later this evening or tomorrow, so everyone can watch it! Excited about the next sprint and very glad that many of you are going to join us again in mid July! Thx Greg
New comment 2d ago
Bonus Module tonight!
Berberine vs Ozempic
Finally got Berberine! But in talking to the pharmacist, I was informed that it is also called "Nature's Ozempic" which many people are on for diabetes and or weight loss. You should not take Berberine if you are on Ozempic. Check with your doctor before trying some of the supplements just to be safe!! I'm going to check with my doc next week to see if I can use Berberine instead of the very expensive Ozempic.
New comment 3d ago
Let’s keep this active until the next Sprint
Hello friends. How are we going to keep this forum active until July 15? I love this forum and it helps me to stay committed
New comment 5d ago
In this video, Greg answers some important questions you guys have had. I think it is super beneficial. Here is the link if you would like to check it out!
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2 weeks ago I went a JKD retreat and learned a quick warm up (less than 10 minutes) that helps with JKD training but also activates the body and gets it ready for the day. I am trying to start incorporating that into my daily routine...anywhere I can. Usually after my normal a pick me up for the afternoon slump (if I don't do body tapping). 😀 I find this 10 minute routine is like body tapping but also meditation as you focus on your breathing and connecting with your body.
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