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6 contributions to Converting Media Research Club
Research is only useful IF...
The Research you do, in correlation with achieving highest possible results, is only as strong as the quality of the deductions you make about the information that you source. When you discover data, the way you interpret that data determines the quality of your output (how you use the interpretation to get results). Ex: Data: - "My dog won't listen to me" Interpretation: - The dog breed is stubborn - The owner is ignorant - They need help getting their dog to listen. vs Data: - "My dog won't listen to me" Interpretation: - I care about my dog a great deal - I'm worried what will happen if I cannot control this dog - I lack the tools and knowledge to save this dog - If only I had the right knowledge, It would change my relationship with this dog and my life. What's different about the deductions made from this same piece of data? - Empathy = "What would I be thinking and feeling if I was this person?" - Deeper Core = "What's actually at stake, and what true desirable outcome do are they seeking?" - Context / Reason Why = "What is the owner saying in relationship with existing context? What response are they intending to illicit?" - Desired Outcome = "How is this problem restated as a desired outcome?" - What's Missing? = "What is this piece of data NOT saying?" - etc.
New comment 21d ago
1 like • 21d
Thanks for the insights , I was just about doing research and learning about how to effectively do it , and then came the post.
Symbols, Archetypes, & Associations to Appeal to Charity; American Red Cross, 1917
- A/S = Solution/"Product" Awareness ("I know war relief efforts exist, I've heard of Red Cross."), Sophistication Stage = Stage 2, developing a stronger appeal than competitors. the ad enlarges and emotionally deepens the war relief appeal. - The ad jumps straight into the appeal of helping restore families and hearths back to their true warmth, after so being so deeply affected by ruthless destruction of war. - Very clear emotional reasoning, - Curates the archetype of the Caring, Gentle Mother to associate with the efforts of the brand. The GREATEST MOTHER in the WORLD Stretching forth her hands to all in need; to Jew or Gentile, black or white; knowing no favorite, yet favoring all. - immediate identity appeal to Christians in the biblical language, cultural non-racist appeal during struggling race relations - poetic language Ready and eager to comfort at a time when comfort is most needed. Helping the little home that's crushed beneath an iron hand by showing mercy in a healthy, human. way; rebuilding it, in fact, with stone on stone, replenishing empty bins and empty cupboards; bringing warmth to hearts and hearths too long neglected. - This ad was for WW1 relief efforts, around 1917-18 (mostly medical aid here in the states, and more physical rebuilding in European fronts). - Probably a welcomed, humanitarian effort that took no sides and wanted only to help rebuild - tugging emotional heartstrings of torn families, vivid imagery of empty homes Seeing all things with a mother's sixth sense that's blind to jealousy and meanness; seeing ...(???)... as naughty children snatching, biting, bitter-but with a hidden side that's quickest touched by mercy. - again evoking the symbol of the kind mother, an archetypal association to help build and communicate the humanitarian message. - developing that archetype through imagery and associations of child-care Reaching out her hands across the sea to No Man's land; to cheer with warmer
New comment 12d ago
Symbols, Archetypes, & Associations to Appeal to Charity; American Red Cross, 1917
1 like • 24d
Thanks 👍, great post , short copy yet very effective.
Finding Your Prospects Existing Storytelling/ Entry Points for Copy
Just added a new module on discovering the Emotional Entry Points your prospects have about the problem you solve. When you know these entry points, you can automatically start writing copy, because the story already exists. PLUS this serves as a powerful hook, in and of itself. Check it out here:
New comment 26d ago
1 like • 26d
Wow great one ، so It all comes from research because what prospects say online most of the time reflects those beliefs through a story ,an experience, a review ,a dislike , a description of self image . Then comes the writing part where we should just align them and , them reading would be like self talking .
Using Format to Appeal to Identity -- 1919 Kiddie-Kar
The Ladies' Home Journal for November, 1919 - A/S = Unaware audience ("what is this toy?"), Stage 1 Sophistication; never heard of this specific toy before, but also bumps against other kid toys in the market (stage 3) - The format itself lends to the audience = poetic, whimsical motherhood, to literal poetry, helped it stand out a bit but also to more deeply connect with readers. - Note this is just before Christmas, and they're make sure you know that! Market-Timing relationship "LITTLE brother, would you be Very tall and strong like me? Then you will, if you are wise, Take your daily exercise." - The leading appeal = "Do you want your kid to grow up to be tall and strong?", framed in a letter to a sibling. - homemaking and child-rearing were main focus of women's life at the time, would've been a lot of social pressure for this. - Even though you cannot talk, And have not begun to walk You are big enough to own A Kiddie-Kar, and ride alone. - a very poetic and story-like way to communicate quickly the age-range for the product. - Don't you think that it is pleasant To have a birthday and a present? Now that you are one year old You must be a warrior bold. - This ad was run in November, giving the idea of a "present" would have had consumers thinking about Christmas as well, increasing sales - Age-range statement and "Warrior Bold" a sentiment for men to grow up and be strong (post WW1) I'm sure you will enjoy it more Than simply creeping on the floor. There is very little to it, Let me show you how to do it. - stating the toy is fun and easy (exactly what the reader wants for kids this age) leads into demonstration copy Never fear that you will fall, See, it does not tip at all. Sit upon this comfy seat And push it onward with your feet. - zero risk of injury (no tipping) - comfy and simple to use Then as soon as you can learn To travel swiftly and to turn, You shall come outdoors and see What fun it is to race with me.
New comment 27d ago
Using Format to Appeal to Identity -- 1919 Kiddie-Kar
1 like • 27d
Wow a very unique piece of copy , simple yet creative . Thanks for the share and the analysis.
Cutting Edge Prompt Engineering
Use this very technical, precise prompting to get the best of GPT. 👀
New comment Aug 16
Cutting Edge Prompt Engineering
1 like • Aug 16
🤣 it was even easy at the beginning, you forced it more .
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Leo Lionheart
13points to level up
Pharmacy student learning copy writing

Active 13d ago
Joined Aug 12, 2024
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