24d ago (edited) in Thinking Out Loud
Research is only useful IF...
The Research you do, in correlation with achieving highest possible results, is only as strong as the quality of the deductions you make about the information that you source. When you discover data, the way you interpret that data determines the quality of your output (how you use the interpretation to get results).
  • "My dog won't listen to me"
  • The dog breed is stubborn
  • The owner is ignorant
  • They need help getting their dog to listen.
  • "My dog won't listen to me"
  • I care about my dog a great deal
  • I'm worried what will happen if I cannot control this dog
  • I lack the tools and knowledge to save this dog
  • If only I had the right knowledge, It would change my relationship with this dog and my life.
What's different about the deductions made from this same piece of data?
  • Empathy = "What would I be thinking and feeling if I was this person?"
  • Deeper Core = "What's actually at stake, and what true desirable outcome do are they seeking?"
  • Context / Reason Why = "What is the owner saying in relationship with existing context? What response are they intending to illicit?"
  • Desired Outcome = "How is this problem restated as a desired outcome?"
  • What's Missing? = "What is this piece of data NOT saying?"
  • etc.
1 comment
Jonny Ross
Research is only useful IF...
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