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85 contributions to Converting Media Research Club
Format Your Critiques Correctly! Watch This Video :)
If you're posting in the group for a critique on your copy, please watch this video first! Key Points - ADD THIS PHRASE "[For Critique]" At the beginning - Select the "Help, Feedback, and Critiques" category - Do not post as a link, post as full text! Thank you all, watch here
New comment 14h ago
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Click this link to watch the video:
1 like • 14h
@Balor W I stand by it. 😂
Subject = This Sacred Feasts from the Celestial Kitchens Preheader = gives you save 2x time on washing dishes Dear American: This celestial kitchen tool was only used by professional chefs. It was hidden from locals like you, this Keto One Pan Cookbook. This can memorize up to 70+ recipes in itself. It is Universal Access to Expertise so, You can cook different dishes from different countries If you’ve been embarrassed recently because you’ve forgotten simple dishes and recipes… If you’ve always been unsure about what to cook or are stuck in a meal rut for your family… And If you’ve Limited knowledge of or access to diverse cuisines and food cultures… I urge you to take this cookbook to make recipes in 5 minutes or less. And make everything in a single pan. Bon appetit!
New comment 18h ago
1 like • 19h
Hi Khushi! Welcome welcome! In the future please use this format for Critiques: Diving in: - Very interesting headline! (Edit: but not congruent with the rest of your copy!) - Subhead immediately jumps to a different positioning point "save time washing dishes" -- which is a more interesting, helpful, congruent, dopamine-inducing headline? "Rule of One". - "Dear American," interesting choice! Very important to use this in congruence with the lists targeting -- does your audience IDENTIFY as an American? It's important that you use this along with a highly proud Americans. It can work either way, but it will work BETTER on true patriots. - Confusion point: calling it a tool, then a cook book. There's a lot of build-up about this "tool" but then it's a cookbook. I understand that a book could be considered a tool, but you have to keep the consumer in mind. Generally they are attention deficit readers and a confusion point like that could cost a reader. - Why is it celestial and why do professional chefs use it? This isn't followed up on and those are key interest points. - You're positioning this as a "celestial tool" but it's a Keto Cookbook, it might be much better positioned as such. "Easy, Fast, Simple Keto Recipes -- All in one place", "Single-Pan Recipes Unlock An Entire World of The Easiest, Most Nutrient Rich Recipes. Hold Them All In The Palm of Your Hand!" - Are these pain-points REAL pain points from the market? Overall really great work! Looks like you spent a lot of time on the Headline and Lead, which is exactly the right way to write. However, the body copy is completely different from the headline and lead, I'd work on that and dig deeper into the pain-points of the consumer.
[For Crituque] Rule Of One
I prepared 2 versions of the copy, choose which is better, thanks. A copy focusing on ONE BIG IDEA by Masterson. SL: Why simple copy results to success. PV: The Rule of One shows why your copy shouldn’t be complicated. %NAME%, Are you cramming too many ideas into your copy, hoping something will stick with your audience? Because I’m gonna tell you why you’re making a fundamental fatal mistake of why your copy doesn’t convert. The feeling of being able to say so many things makes you feel you really know what you’re doing. But what if I told you that it is also the same thing that destroys the clarity of your copy? Do you know “CCC” and “CCC”? It’s simply, “Clarity Copy Converts”, and “Complicated Copy Confuse”. This law applies the Rule Of One. As explained by Michael Masterson, It means by focusing on ONE BIG IDEA in your copy works way better than piling on a bunch of different points. Sounds simple but I know it’s hard, why? The overthinking moment of what ifs, “What if i lack the something to persuade” “What if they won’t understand if i didn’t tell them more?” So on, and so forth. Actually, NAME, Less is more. Because the most effective copy focuses on a single, clear, and compelling idea. Many copywriters or marketers use a "tossed salad" approach, Cramming multiple points together hoping something resonates. Little did they know, Successful ads and copy are often the simplest, clearest, and easiest to understand. So make sure the next time you write your copy to whatever it is, Keep in your heart, mind, and soul to always apply the Rule Of One. One Big Idea, Dmitri P.S: If you want more FREE value bombshells about copywriting proven strategies to convert an audience to customers/clients. Click here. SL: Why Simple Copy Leads to Success PV: Discover how the Rule of One shows why less is more in your copy. Hi %NAME%, Are you cramming too many ideas into your copy, hoping something will stick with your audience? Let me explain why this might be the biggest mistake that's keeping your copy from converting.
New comment 22h ago
0 likes • 6d
I'll get this ASAP, I'm "out of office" until thurs!
1 like • 4d
Apologies for the delay! - Where are you coming from with this? Looks like an educational email for other marketers to improve their copy. So relevant questions that would alter your copy would be like: What list are they on? How long have they been on it? What is your relationship with this list? etc. The reason is, someone who doesn't know you as well is less likely to listen to you or care -- and therefore requires a different positioning of the message. That's the inherent "why should I listen to you?" response. If you don't have much "clout", as the kids say, then I'd recommended repositioning towards the authority of Michael, data that proves this works, etc. -- proof and credibility. - Starting off with negativity bias 👍 - Not sure about "cramming too many ideas....". They may not even realize they're doing that! - funny little issue: the email is about rule of one but CCC has two different meanings... 🤔 - I could see this as overexplaining your point. I think it would bring a lot more clarity to the idea to add more examples and proof points for how it worked, etc. "We added Rule of One to this campaign and it converted 55% better." Probably more compelling for the audience. - Otherwise, this copy is straight to the point, offers value, great CTAs, references a master of their work. I think the only thing to change would be reworking positioning, changing around explanations for clarity, and adding examples. Overall great work!
I think the community name
I just found this community from a reddit post and that post was amazing but when I read the community name that doesn't seem interesting so I think the community name can be even better
New comment 8d ago
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Thank you for the feedback! It's something I've been considering for a while!
Please can someone review this copy for me
Please can someone review this copy for me I am an artist who designs hand painted clothes and articles and I want people to patronize me so I hope to put in on a flyer and paste it across the street. STAND OUT WITH CUSTOM HAND PAINTED FASHION Wanna look different and get noticed? Isn't yet time to do things differently from how you do them often? Looking for something unique to rock the next party or create content that elevate your presence on Instagram and TikTok, My hand painted custom is all you need. Here is why you worth it ? Are you a TikToker ,a dancer, DJ, party or fashion influencers you can create proffessional and unique content that stands out and grab your audience attention with our customs. Do you wish to be the “center of attention” in any party and stand out to be the envy of the crowd do it effortlessly with our beautiful customs design. Imagine surprising your babe or loved ones on their birthday with our customs so that you leave big smiles on their faces and lasting impressions on their souls Our neat computer -like hand painted custom are tailored to your style and choice. Don't worry, Yes, it doesn't wash off and it's long lasting and durable. And our services are risk free we grant 100% refund policy in case of any dissatisfaction. Still contemplating? call or text these number now for more enquires 20% discount for first 20 persons act fast and get your discount. 08127440328 Thanks you
New comment 7d ago
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Future reference, here's the format for critiques! How To Get a Free Critique - Welcome (Start Here) · Converting Media Research Club ( Let's take a look! - I think the headline and lead work for you. Definitely worth testing. Seems like that's the closest to the core of what you offer. When you get to "My hand painted..." that's where you start using "buy my stuff" language. It's a relic of 1800s advertising that you don't need and frankly I think it's a turn-off for buyers but, I can't say for sure that it doesn't work tbh. Depends on the market. - Handful of grammatical/spelling mistakes, Grammarly or ChatGPT can help with those. - Sounds like overall you're going for all the reasons that someone might buy unique clothing. It's too many different angles for a single piece of copy. You'd want to focus on one single one, and for an item like this, you might think about appealing to specific emotions and feelings. That's just a guess, I've never sold clothing before. So focus in on ONE angle for each piece of copy. - "tailored to your style or choice" -- Are they personalized for each order or not? Make that more clear. - You can probably get away with shortening the word-choice at the end. Guarantees and discounts are powerful but nobody wants to read over all the text. "100% money-back guarantee, Text or call with questions!" is simple enough, serves the same purpose.
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Jonny Ross
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Evolve Copywriting into a Meritocracy

Active 10h ago
Joined May 13, 2024
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