Write something
Format Your Critiques Correctly! Watch This Video :)
If you're posting in the group for a critique on your copy, please watch this video first! Key Points - ADD THIS PHRASE "[For Critique]" At the beginning - Select the "Help, Feedback, and Critiques" category - Do not post as a link, post as full text! Thank you all, watch here
New comment 14h ago
Earn While You Learn Copywriting Opportunity! Need Volunteers!
Hey all! This is a really casual call to check out an "Earn while you Learn" course I'm working on. I want to teach copywriters the absolute basics, and then slowly build up their skills in real go-to market campaigns. I'm going to offer a tracking sheet, instructions, weekly action steps and feedback. I basically just need a few people willing to check out the idea for now. Let me know if it's something they'd be interested in. Just comment "interested" and I'll give you access. <3
New comment 13d ago
UPDATED: New Mini-Course: Converting Copy Deep Research!
Hey all! Added a new mini-course! Just click here: Tell me what you think it needs!
New comment 21d ago
How To Deeply Understand "Emotion" Appeals in Copy
Writing something right now that needs an emotion'splosion (yes, that's emotion + explosion, something we feel deep in our hearts and minds; but only when we cross all the right wires). A guy named Mark Pescetti gives birth to one of the most unique perspectives on emotion I've ever come across in the world of copywriting... Get immense clarity in this summary of his book "Heuristic Copywriting". Much Love ya'll!
If I Chose A "Library" Name for this group, which do you all feel is the best?
Not me being super picky about the name 👀, If I chose "Library" for this group, which would feel the best to you all? Thanks!
10 members have voted
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Converting Media Research Club
Grassroots, Evidence-Based Encyclopedia of Content & Conversions. A persuasion and engagement knowledgebase for digital communicators of all kinds.
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