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Skool Community

Public • 197.4k • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 15.6k • Free

The MindBodySoul Collective

Private • 273 • $98/m

First Dollar Funnel

Private • 153 • Free

Rebels 🤘😎

Private • 52 • $1/m

117 contributions to Skool Community
Hormozi's Speedrunners Ep.1 (New Free Course)
For those who don't know, we're running a competition to see who can scale their Skool the most in 90 days. Only 100 people were selected. We're coaching them to help them rapidly grow their revenue, using the data we have on what's working across the platform. We're calling it The 100. We've decided to share the training with you guys, for free. This is Episode 1. We discussed the 4 blockers that are holding people back from scaling their Skool, and the 4 best solutions we know of to unlock rapid revenue growth. NOTE: This is a strategy to speedrun monetization, and it's not recommended for everyone. If you're a complete beginner, and are in the learning phase, or having fun phase, this may not be optimal. Check out the evolution to $10,000/month if this is you. If you're a huge influencer, or want to be a Growth Operator, this also may not be perfect for you. We'll be releasing more training on other paths in the future. Enjoy!
New comment 29d ago
Hormozi's Speedrunners Ep.1 (New Free Course)
1 like • Oct '24
@Andrew Kirby Epic! Thank you!
Be Vocal About Wins
If you're helping someone on Skool and it could benefit others, don’t keep quiet. Make it part of your routine: 1. Help them get a true win 2. Ask them to post their wins and share a testimonial 3. Ask them who they know that could also benefit This isn’t a new concept.. People have been doing it forever. It’s simple and effective. Warm leads come from genuine referrals, and you don’t need to offer anything in return. People refer because they trust you. And don’t forget the communities you're in. If you’re not posting your wins, you’re missing a huge opportunity to connect with others. I challenge you to make sharing your wins a habit. If you're not seeing results in a Skool community you are in, ask yourself: why are you still there? By making this part of your routine, you create a flow of leads and build stronger connections.
New comment Sep '24
Be Vocal About Wins
1 like • Sep '24
@Jenna Ostrye yes, good point!
What do you do when you fuck up?
👇🏻 What happens when you realize that you messed up something for your community? Story time. This morning was chaotic, as you maybe could imagine having 7 kiddos, animals to take care of, and juggling biz stuff 🤪 I knew I had a group call for my free space today, and knew I had an alarm set so wasn’t worried. There had been a post made from a Lovely in my group chatting about how amazing the last one was and why it was important to make the calls etc, and more peeps were interested in hopping on! The alarm goes off and I go double check cause I moved the time a few weeks ago to help make it a better fit. I get to the group and I see the red LIVE button flashing at the top of my group space, immediately was horrified, felt the guilt creep in, and was like well, fuck. I was a half hour late. I had the thought to just make up some excuse, how could I join after all the hype, what if peeps were upset, cause they set aside time to join today, and now I had royally fucked up 🤦🏻‍♀️ But, I decided nope, let’s fucking do this. I made the post apologizing for my fuck up, and hopped on. Peeps started trickling in, and I told them what had happened, and we got down to business. It was one of the most amazing calls… peeps shared and got action steps from me and others on the call, we chatted through various things, and probably packed in more than we could’ve thought in that 30-40min. Takeaway? Do the fucking thing… even if it’s messy, even if some shit has gone down, even if it doesn’t feel perfect. Ditch the damn mindfuckery, and do the damn thing, it will be worth it, I promise. Everything happens for a reason, just as it’s supposed to, when it’s supposed to. 👇🏻 If you have a time where you felt like you fucked up and then it all turned out differently than you thought, please share!
New comment Oct '24
What do you do when you fuck up?
2 likes • Sep '24
@Sarah Hankins own it, apologize, move forward! That's my recipe for dealing with my f-ups as well.
1 like • Sep '24
@Marianne Suarez Sabugo yup. What's interesting about what you said is I'm trying to teach Mmyy daughter to definitely say I'm sorry when she messes up but only when she messes up and not just to say I'm sorry in general.
Hang around winners
I got asked the same question about 40 times this last weekend. “What was the main that helped you win the games?” And it was actually incredibly simple to answer. Because looking back, there’s just 1 thing in common When I made my first $1 on Skool. Then when I made my first $1,000 back a couple months. And in June when I hit $10k. Now having scaled past $30k… What was it? I hung around winners. I spent time with people that made me feel like I wasn’t doing enough. Like I was sleeping on potential. The kind of people who had the life I wanted. And as soon as I started getting around those people… Without even realizing it, I started mirroring their habits, their beliefs, and their work ethic. Thanks to people like Ted Carr, Goose, Max Perzon, Farhoon Asim for constantly raising the bar for me and what I thought hard work looked like Find someone who is a few steps ahead of you, and either pay them, add free value to them, or do whatever it takes to earn their mentorship. That’s the missing piece to get you to the next level. See you at the top! 💪🏼
New comment Oct '24
Hang around winners
0 likes • Sep '24
@Patrice Moore Very wise words. Thank you very much!
Just back to report my findings 👀
Just back to report my findings 👀 If you saw my most recent post, I started a DMs challenge, where we quite literally tell people we’re doing a challenge and our task is to tell as many people as we can about what we do. I’ve owned a business for 2.5 years and NEVER DM’d anyone 😢😱 Report: I was so anxious!! Totals: • Sent: 17 • Opened: 14 • Responded: 10 • Joined my community: 3 (so far) Conversion Rate: That’s a 17.6% conversion rate (3/17), which is a great start! The response rate is 58.8% (10/17), and the open rate is 82.3% (14/17), which is well above industry averages for cold outreach! 🎉 Why did I only do 17? —- because I was super nervous and honestly my goal is 10 each day (I’m super busy and I want to add 2 more each day) It does take a bit longer than I thought because I had to find my ideal clients and then switch the wording of the script a bit for some of them. But… all that said. If you don’t have anyone in your community and you feel stuck… I want to lovingly tell you that you CAN grow it but you are going to have to get uncomfortable sometimes. Uncomfortable > Stagnant If you want the script let me know I’ll send it to you! 🙏🏽
New comment Sep '24
Just back to report my findings 👀
1 like • Sep '24
@Sarah Richardson Wow the stats!! Amazing!! Thank you. outside of that ... 17.6% conversion is really good. I guess the next question is ... is there a "filter" to identify the folks you DM'd? and how to keep that replicable?
0 likes • Sep '24
@Sarah Richardson Sorry for the confusion. Did you use some sort of filter criteria to choose which folks you DM'd? Then, if so, can you replicate those same filters/criteria for choosing future leads to DM? or was this more of a on time test. Thx.
1-10 of 117
Frank Zadroga
1,239points to level up
Soy un "gringo" que nací en CostaRica. Mi mayor logro es ser papá. :) Trabajo en tecnología y ayudo a buenas personas a emigrar a los EE. UU.

Active 102d ago
Joined Jun 19, 2024
Tampa, FL
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