What do you do when you fuck up?
👇🏻 What happens when you realize that you messed up something for your community?
Story time. This morning was chaotic, as you maybe could imagine having 7 kiddos, animals to take care of, and juggling biz stuff 🤪
I knew I had a group call for my free space today, and knew I had an alarm set so wasn’t worried.
There had been a post made from a Lovely in my group chatting about how amazing the last one was and why it was important to make the calls etc, and more peeps were interested in hopping on!
The alarm goes off and I go double check cause I moved the time a few weeks ago to help make it a better fit.
I get to the group and I see the red LIVE button flashing at the top of my group space, immediately was horrified, felt the guilt creep in, and was like well, fuck.
I was a half hour late. I had the thought to just make up some excuse, how could I join after all the hype, what if peeps were upset, cause they set aside time to join today, and now I had royally fucked up 🤦🏻‍♀️
But, I decided nope, let’s fucking do this. I made the post apologizing for my fuck up, and hopped on.
Peeps started trickling in, and I told them what had happened, and we got down to business.
It was one of the most amazing calls… peeps shared and got action steps from me and others on the call, we chatted through various things, and probably packed in more than we could’ve thought in that 30-40min.
Takeaway? Do the fucking thing… even if it’s messy, even if some shit has gone down, even if it doesn’t feel perfect. Ditch the damn mindfuckery, and do the damn thing, it will be worth it, I promise.
Everything happens for a reason, just as it’s supposed to, when it’s supposed to.
👇🏻 If you have a time where you felt like you fucked up and then it all turned out differently than you thought, please share!
Sarah Hankins
What do you do when you fuck up?
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