How to Scale to 500 members and then go to paid fast - organically
Build a free group as fast as possible, get it to, say 500 people. You can do a simple invite from your other social: -- Hey [firstname] - just released a new training program, (xyz result) thinking about charging $97 ++ (use an honest number) want to take a look at it and give me your feedback? (link to Skool group) or do a 2- step get them to reply yes then send the Skool link . . . This is my #1 way of getting leads in externally Key: you must be committed to volume if you are serious building your Skool up . . . go hard in the other socials, invite people from facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedin, to come here to get your free training Use the main carrot a few lessons or trainings, so that community isn't necessarily the hook. once you have some number - say 500 free members launch your paid group, and focus on community and live coaching and involvement . . make it great don't make a "okay" just because it's small You want to have an amazing program and make $10k/month? Then make it amazing even when it has just 5 people in it Start it at a low price, something totally irresistible - say $9 or $19 a month Let your free members know you are going to raise the price to $49 a month once you hit 50 members . . . But for the first 25 members, you get in for $9 a month and for the next 25 members, you get in for $19 a month you could do 2 more rounds of that . . 25 more at $29 25 more at $39 Now, you have 100 members . . . Turn it up to $49/month Massively engage your audience and grow from there Hope this is helpful . . .