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Heroic Industries

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6 contributions to Heroic Industries
Preferred Meals on Patrol
What is your go to meal or meals while on patrol or in an environment that is not an office setting?
New comment Aug 12
2 likes • Aug 11
I normally try to make bigger portions of whatever I am making at home and take that as leftovers, which is the healthiest option.If not it’s usually Chipotle on night shift or hole in the wall place Mexican food on day shift. Also always have an emergency stash of protein or Kind bars, almonds, etc.
Training Purpose has to be intentional
Watch til the end!! Here’s some thoughts on my training session from the other day. I’ve been struggling with aging and not being able to do things the way I used to and the way I want to. I like training hard. It makes me feel like I’m a strong tough and competent man. It’s how we are supposed to train as cops and if we don’t we are weak and crappy right?.. not really. I can’t go hard the way I used to or I will be hurt for several days. And not just sore but actually hurt. It’s hard to modify things we like to do but we have to appreciate who we are today or we get stuck in comparison with who we were yesterday. That person is gone and we must be intentional and flexible based on who we are today in order to build our best future version of ourselves. What’s your thoughts? Post in comments.
New comment Aug 3
Training Purpose has to be intentional
1 like • Aug 1
Your kids are great haha. Spot on, esp. when I don’t sleep well deadlift and squat are just trash. But doing something is better than nothing. One of the biggest issues I see with a lot of tactical programs is that they are unsustainable unless you’re 21.
Wins for the week?!
What are your wins this week? Health and fitness Work Life Whatever was good!!
New comment Jul 29
1 like • Jul 27
Got in a workout with weights on each of my days off, plus lots of walking. The beginning of the week was super humid here making everything active more difficult (lift in garage). Ate decent ish and paid attention to hydration. Got some reading and podcasts in. Decent sleep for being a changeover week, night to day shift.
Great price on KBs
I’m sure these won’t be the greatest bells in the world but for this price I ordered a few!
New comment Jul 23
1 like • Jul 23
Wow that is a great price, thanks for the heads up. I got my 80 for a dollar a pound during Covid, but thought those days were over, especially with free shipping.
🫵 Who are you!? 🫵
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know… #1 - Who are you, where are you from and if you want to add your agency that's cool too. #2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community? #3 - For fun what do you like to do? #4 - Drop a photo of you training or working. Here's mine: #1 - My name is Anthony Shefferly, I am a 16 year police officer in north east Indiana. #2 - What I want out of this community is to change the culture of First Responders when it comes to both physical and mental health. We are a group that is deteriorating by the minute and the time for action is now. This job is too important and the people that do the work are too important to allow us to simply rot and die. It's time to get strong and resilient. #3 - For fun I train...lifting weights, Jiu Jitsu, and heavy music are critical to life!!! lol #4... Here's one from SWAT training a few years back. Let's GET AFTER IT!!!
New comment Aug 5
🫵 Who are you!? 🫵
3 likes • Jul 22
1. Hey I’m Corey, I am a patrol sergeant with a municipal agency in Pennsylvania, and have 18 years on. 2. I have a strong interest in tactical fitness and enjoy networking and learning from like minded individuals who also struggle with the unique challenges of shift work and staying fit in our 40s. 3. Besides being a parent, I enjoy hiking and lifting, exploring history, and am an avid reader. I am lucky to be in a part of the country with a lot of historical sites which also offer hiking. 4. Couldn’t figure out how to crop work photos from my phone, so this photo is me and my hiking buddy at the top of a mountain.
1-6 of 6
Corey Fegan
11points to level up
Public safety employee interested in fitness and networking.

Active 5d ago
Joined Jul 22, 2024
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