Training Purpose has to be intentional
Watch til the end!!
Here’s some thoughts on my training session from the other day.
I’ve been struggling with aging and not being able to do things the way I used to and the way I want to.
I like training hard. It makes me feel like I’m a strong tough and competent man. It’s how we are supposed to train as cops and if we don’t we are weak and crappy right?.. not really.
I can’t go hard the way I used to or I will be hurt for several days. And not just sore but actually hurt.
It’s hard to modify things we like to do but we have to appreciate who we are today or we get stuck in comparison with who we were yesterday.
That person is gone and we must be intentional and flexible based on who we are today in order to build our best future version of ourselves.
What’s your thoughts? Post in comments.
Anthony Shefferly
Training Purpose has to be intentional
Heroic Industries
Training platform dedicated to increase physical capacity, mental Health, and Performance for First Responders and other Tactical Based Professional.
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