🫵 Who are you!? 🫵
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know…
#1 - Who are you, where are you from and if you want to add your agency that's cool too.
#2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community?
#3 - For fun what do you like to do?
#4 - Drop a photo of you training or working.
Here's mine:
#1 - My name is Anthony Shefferly, I am a 16 year police officer in north east Indiana.
#2 - What I want out of this community is to change the culture of First Responders when it comes to both physical and mental health. We are a group that is deteriorating by the minute and the time for action is now. This job is too important and the people that do the work are too important to allow us to simply rot and die. It's time to get strong and resilient.
#3 - For fun I train...lifting weights, Jiu Jitsu, and heavy music are critical to life!!! lol
#4... Here's one from SWAT training a few years back.
Anthony Shefferly
🫵 Who are you!? 🫵
Heroic Industries
Training platform dedicated to increase physical capacity, mental Health, and Performance for First Responders and other Tactical Based Professional.
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