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Release Your F*cks Society

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28 contributions to Release Your F*cks Society
OK this was freaky . . .
I went to see a shaman and he started laughing (this is a true story not in my head)when I asked what was so funny he told me I was so far out of my body it was like I was a balloon attached by a string. We sat down and he did a big grounding meditation with me, at the end he told me to stand and walk across the room. I was a bit bewildered by why I should need to do this but did it . . FUCK MY OLD BOOTS it felt like my feet were made of lead. Both Ben (shaman) and my partner Rob were laughing till nearly crying as I asked "Is this what normal people feel like all the time!?" the answer was a definite 'Yes'. Since then I did many grounding meditations, but then I stopped as my head got a bit chaotic (yes, yes the irony is not escaping me on that one). I am so glad to be here as I know I need to get myself back down again as I'm off to see Ben (shaman) soon and as much as seeing him laugh is wonderful, lets make it about something else!!!
New comment 7h ago
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@Jenny Aly not dumb at all. We were directed to him for healing through a medium. I wouldn't have a clue otherwise as he doesn't use the internet
My fucks overfloweth
Hey fellow fabulous fuck-faces. Happy Friday. I just felt compelled to reach out for connection in this way, I suppose. My heart is so fucking heavy right now as we’re navigating ongoing social media threats of violence to my kids’ schools this week. I’m finding it hard to focus on anything else. Mind-spinning with worry. Disconnected from my self-care when I need it most. I’m going to set an intention to connect to my breathing and invest in meditating throughout the weekend. I’m going to invite my teenagers to join me. We are going to breathe and regulate and access our inner peace and let these fucking fucks flow because the tension simmering within us right now is too much. Sending love to all of you as you’re dealing with your own versions of daily stressors and tensions and anxieties. Also I’m very much a lone world in life and I think I feel it most when my heart is the heaviest. And this community really does mean something to me. Really grateful to be amongst you all here. Namaste 😣 🧘✨❤️🦋
New comment 7h ago
My fucks overfloweth
2 likes • 10h
Know you are heard, you are loved and with your permission I will send you and your family some positive reiki, if you know reiki you will know I can't do it without consent. Go with your little tribe and find somewhere away from it all and shout/scream/cry out loud to the sky the fact this needs to change. Command it to change. Sounds la la but it's what I do when things hit too hard. I have noticed not just on here but around us all, situations are being hurled at us one after the other after the other like missiles. In these times we have to sit in our sovereignty and decide the maelstrom can do it's thing but you are not going to be part of it . If shit is shit with school fuck it, don't have your children go in, go away, go get some calm. I remember my daughter being horrendously bullied, coming home with bruises and threats, all because she had auburn hair (for some reason in the UK kids and bastards if you have red hair .. . wierd right?) I took her out of school as she'd had enough. They threatened me with legal proceedings, so I just threatened them right back, if they couldn't keep my girl safe and I could let's see who'd win in court. She didn't have to go in until the boys had been asked to leave the school. If social media is being a cunt, turn it off, turn away and find your happy. I hope you do and hope you can find a bit of peace to allow yourself to be calm.
2 likes • 10h
also punch bags are great to release the tension and funny as fuck too especially if, like me, you are not a born fisticuffs fighter! I just ended up kicking it and by the finish hugging a punch bag! I got rid of my punch bag . . but got a running machine no punching but great to get your breathing mojo on! Be safe my friend.
Angel Numbers
Do you see number combinations repeatedly, like 1111? These are often referred to as angel numbers and many believe they are signs from God, your angels, the universe , or whatever you may believe. They are said to have different meanings depending on what that number may be. What is yours? Mine is 919. I see this number pretty much daily, multiple times a day. Meanings I have found (paraphrasing here) endings and new beginnings, you are right where you need to be. Trust your path. Don’t we hear Yogi B say this often? Stop fucking overthinking it. You’re right where you need to be. Dude, I think I get it now! 🤣I’m a chronically overthinking basket case, but I really do get it now. To add to the 🤦🏽‍♀️ of this particular number, it’s my birth date 🤣. Someone has a brilliant fucking sense of humor! It only took me 51 long years (in about an hour) to get it. Sometimes painful, sometimes fucking amazing, sometimes a little of both at the same time. Just be grateful for this moment and fucking breathe!
New comment 13h ago
Angel Numbers
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Oooh this is right in my wheelhouse...I see sychronisities daily 1212 1717 actually they are just varied never just the same 2. But I also find eagl/kite/owl/buzzard feathers so often especially when I am feeling a bit off. I was talking about this today so here is the picture of feathers that just show up. I don't look for them, I don't go on the same walks and when in USA found a Huge one and a wild turkey feather. Love this stuff . ha ha just about to post this and looked at the clock 1414!!
1 like • 13h
@Matt Pritchett all around you my riend call em what floats with you, fae, guardians etc., energy bodies, they're there even when you think shit is at its worst. They aren't there to fix you or your life just to give the right energetic oomph when you ask, the trick is to listen
So I'm on day 18, just about to do our meditation (my partner always does them with me, he LOVES meditating and this is just a sprink of extra for him!). I woke up with the usual sink hole feeling in my chest, took 2 deep breaths and BOOM, gone! Rob (partner type) told me I would feel the benefits, he told me ageeeeees ago I should make it a go to in the day to help with the mad monkeys in my head. Did I listen? Noooooooooo. Did I have alllllllll the excuses? Oh hell yes! Here are some of my top hits on the excuses I gave: Too busy Got things to do Cant sit still Head too busy I'm getting frustrated I don't get the breath bit (oh how this YB stuff made me laugh at myself on that one) The thoughts don't go away like they do for you Rob . . Don't get me wrong I did psuedo try but normally just ended up drinking a coffee and watching the steam with 1 zillion thoughts racing round my brain. NB have since given up coffee it really does not help with that sinking feeling, IGNORE THE INTERNET IT LIES. Coffee gave me a 2 hr bliss high then slumped me on the roadside like an unwanted hostage leaving me feeling like the sky was falling in. Also found out that I wasn't drinking enough water which ALSO can give you the ol' sadness side effect . . interesting find yesterday. Anyway, day 18 the feelings are getting less. The realisation my body is addicted to cortisol is a big one and now, incrementally I am becoming what I wanted to be ie internally calmer, able to realise when the monkeys in my head have started bouncing around with their neg talk. and instead of looking for MORE things to stress about turning it around to look at things to appreciate, which has been an immense help. SO to end my litany . . meditation for the win. England is now that little bit (I'm 5ft 1") happier, that little bit calmer, that little bit more aware of changing the negative chatter to appreciation. Thank you of course to Yogi B. and also to you all my tribe, my wonderful honest tribe.
New comment 13h ago
1 like • 17h
@Sarah Dudley loving this gif
0 likes • 13h
@Melanie Lowes we also became Reiki practitioners together. He's the calm to my chaos, I'm the nurture to his nutter 😁
Meditation for panic attacks
I had to stop this time. I can’t think of a safe place. The one I had before when I did this meditation using the app just made me feel so incredibly sad. Then I tried searching my mind for another one and couldn’t. It’s like every door I opened to a place or memory just disappeared when I opened the door to look at it. What the hell do I do now?
New comment 14h ago
3 likes • 21h
My safe place is a totally made up! I think of things I like so, walking through a forest, along a riverbank to an old UK abbey then pop into an open pasture with a tree in! It's ace as once through my 'gate' to my pasture I am the only one allowed in. I have met some amazing creatures in there too. One day was sitting in there, back against my big tree and a huge white deer came and fell asleep at my feet. It was beautiful. I hope this helps.
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Catherine Gaughan
22points to level up
I am a short arse from Yorkshire who loves laughter and fun. Recent years my happy has been diminished. I WANT IT BACK AND THEN SOME!

Active 7h ago
Joined Aug 29, 2024
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