My intro
Hi all. Finally getting round to putting this up but I'll try and keep it short and sweet.
I'm Alex. Love training. Played alot of basketball and rugby over the years. Done quite a lot of running and a bit of indoor rowing for a while there. Ex-Army, but now deep in the throws of corporate life.
Motivation to train has never been a problem for me. But now, living at home full time with 3 young kids and a wife who is self employed, getting time to be consistent is my biggest challenge. Even when I'm getting my workouts in, I'm always against a clock and just can't quite train as hard/long/properly as I would like. Have little to no 'me-time' to speak of.
Nutrition is also a huge area of weakness for me. One that I can probably do more about right now, but find hardest to crack (as it feels like my last area of freedom :D)
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Alexander Walker
My intro
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