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🎓 SS Masterclass + Role-play is happening in 7 hours
Focus on Helping the Prospect, Not Their Wallet
One business lesson I wish I'd learnt earlier that cost me multiple thousands of dollars in sales. I only focused on the outcome of how much money I wanted to make and what I needed to make... Whilst forgetting the process.. the inputs. But money didn't work like that, I had to focus on the journey, the process, the inputs. Focus on what you need to put in and the outputs will take care of itself It's not the wealthy who love money, it's the wealthy who love to create money.
Ditch the pitch
My biggest struggle is to turn a "normal" conversation into a "client creation" conversation. I found this in M Oliver course (Phase 2, Step 1, point 2) when knowing someone. It might be helpful for you too to have it visually!
Ditch the pitch
❤️People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" ❤️
"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." – Theodore Roosevelt In the world of sales, we often focus so much on the features and benefits of what we're offering that we forget the most crucial element: genuine connection. 🧩 Theodore Roosevelt’s words are a timeless reminder that true influence and impact come from empathy and understanding. Imagine walking into a room with someone who is trying to sell you a product. They’re well-versed in all the technical details, explaining how it works, what it does, and why it’s amazing. But something’s missing. You’re not feeling it. The conversation is one-sided, transactional. No matter how much they know, there’s no real connection. 🤔 Now, imagine a different scenario. You meet someone who takes the time to ask you about your needs, your pain points, and your challenges. They listen intently, with empathy. They don’t just present their solution right away, but instead, they work with you to uncover what you really want and need. 💡 The relationship becomes more than just a sale—it becomes about helping you achieve your goals. 🎯 That’s the foundation of Soulful Selling. The art of selling isn’t about pushing a product; it’s about becoming a trusted advisor, someone who genuinely cares about helping the person in front of you. 🤝 When your prospects feel that you care about them, they’re far more likely to trust you and engage with what you’re offering. 💬 In Soulful Selling, we emphasize the power of human connection. 🌱 We don’t just aim to make sales, we aim to serve. Whether you’re engaging in a discovery call or offering high-ticket solutions, the key is to first listen, understand, and care. People want to feel heard and valued, not pitched at. They want to feel that they matter. 💛 Just like in life, relationships in sales are built on trust, care, and empathy. 🌟 It’s about asking the right questions, taking the time to understand what matters most to the person, and offering a solution that aligns with their values and dreams.
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HighLights - Day 1 of our Soulful Selling Masterclass!
In this session, we dive deep into the foundational principles of authentic, relationship-driven sales using the Soulful Selling approach. 🚀 Whether you're a sales professional, coach, consultant, or simply want to master high-ticket sales, this video is packed with actionable strategies that will help you sell with integrity and empathy. 🤝 Here's what you'll learn in this highlight: 1️⃣ Understanding the Soulful Selling Codex – A 9-step framework for mastering sales. 2️⃣ How to connect with clients on an emotional level and discover their deeper desires. 3️⃣ Practical examples and role play on how to lead meaningful sales conversations. 4️⃣ Techniques inspired by Natural Selling from Michael Oliver (Frans Mentor) 5️⃣ Why sales isn't about persuasion—it's about building relationships based on trust. 🔔 Don’t forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and COMMENT your biggest takeaway from the video! 👇
HighLights - Day 1 of our Soulful Selling Masterclass!
🏀 Ubuntu and Doc Rivers
Ubuntu is a beautiful and powerful philosophy that originated from South Africa and is rooted in the idea of shared humanity. The term "Ubuntu" can be translated to "I am because we are," emphasizing that an individual's well-being is inextricably linked to the community and the collective well-being of others. It suggests that we find our true purpose, strength, and identity not in isolation, but through our relationships with others. It’s a call for empathy, compassion, and unity, and reflects the deep African values of interconnectedness. Doc Rivers, a legendary NBA coach, has embraced Ubuntu as a core philosophy, not only in his personal life but also as the backbone of his leadership approach. Rivers is known for leading the Boston Celtics to the 2008 NBA Championship, and much of that victory was attributed to the way he inspired his players to adopt the Ubuntu mindset. He made it clear that for them to succeed, they had to understand that the team’s success was greater than the sum of individual accomplishments. Each player needed to trust and rely on one another, realizing that their strength as a team was tied to how much they cared for and supported each other on and off the court. In "Playbook: Coach’s Rules for Life" on Netflix, Rivers shares his third rule, which centers on the concept of Ubuntu. He explains that Ubuntu means, “I can’t be all I can be unless you are all you can be." This philosophy transcends sport and touches on how individuals can achieve their best selves only by helping others achieve theirs. Rivers used Ubuntu to foster a culture of unity and selflessness, teaching his players that their personal success would come through making the people around them better. It’s about finding joy and fulfillment in uplifting others rather than competing against them. 🌍❤️ Ubuntu & Soulful Selling Now, how does this powerful concept tie into Soulful Selling? 🌱🛠️ At the heart of Soulful Selling is the idea that sales isn’t just about making a transaction—it’s about building relationships and helping others achieve their desires, goals, and dreams. Just as Ubuntu encourages community and shared success, Soulful Selling emphasizes that true sales success comes from serving, understanding, and genuinely caring for your clients.
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🏀 Ubuntu and Doc Rivers
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