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New comment 14d ago
Looking for PRACTICE BUDDIES (and thoughts on the art of enrollment)
Hey there, I have already started to practice sales/enrollment calls instead of pure coaching. And I am looking for more practice buddies. DM me if you want to connect. Even though as we learn that the art of enrolling really IS coaching, there is still a slight, subtle yet HIGHLY IMPORTANT difference: (and @Frans Francis please correct/educate me if you disagree with this) - In an enrollment call we simply help the potential client / the person establish more clarity, a level of clarity they haven't had yet. We do not "coach them on their challenge". - In an enrollment call we also come from a heartcentred, serving place, yet the understanding of "what is of greatest service" changes: Now we believe that we can BEST SERVE THEM if they say YES to their dream, say YES to make shift happen and say YES to investing (time, energy and money) to COMMIT themselves fully to the work they need to do in order to get there. - In an enrollment call we see the bigger picture, the real impact and service we can generate through OPENING A COMMITTET COACHNG RELATIONSHIP (vs. closing a sale) and that committet coaching relationship won't be created by giving them short term solutions on the spot. So I am committed to practice sharing my services, products and offers as lightly, joyfully and convicted as I can, so that the person on the other side can have so much trust in me, they don't need to worry about themselves not reaching this goal. In a coaching conversation we will want to help them feel better after the session but its often just temporarily. Yet they won't know, they think they are "fixed" and go on but then fall back in an instant blaming themselves or even your method for "not working" and go find another coach. Giving people too much value for free (and hey I am totally guilty here) IS NOT SERVING/ HELPING THEM. Us thinking we are kind by serving for free, might actually be harming them in the longrun.
New comment 27d ago
Looking for PRACTICE BUDDIES (and thoughts on the art of enrollment)
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