In #🎥 Session 5 - Recording 0:43:00 you speak about how "most" people would pay more for quick fixes like pain killers, something that eliviats their immediate pain I guess.
I would like to challenge this thought..
In my coaching labs that I am hosting in our coaching community, we have started to play with focusing more on the Desires, Visions, instead of dwelling and digging into past and pains etc.
It maybe true that a great majority of people are sleepwalking so much that they'd go for the quick fix painkiller solutions, rather than changing anything in their lifes, but are they really willing to pay more?
I would like to challenge this thinking and invite this community to ponder this question with me:
  • Isn't it very likely that the people who are ending up on calls with us, will already have woken up from that unconscious and ignorant state?
  • Don't you think that people who end up on calls with us, already have a certain desire within? To move out of the pain and into the envisioned future?
  • Wouldn't it be more aligned with SOULFUL SELLING ideology, to exactly NOT pay too much attention to the struggles, the pain, the lack and instead get them excited and enrolled into an even more empowered vision of whats possible for them?
I mean sure, we have to make them see where they are at right now too, but "putting a knife into their wound" so that they can feel the pain and will "need" us to help them feeds into the old way of selling and into the Drama Triangle Dynamic that we as "SOULFUL SELLERS" should be the pioneers of moving away from, into a fully EMPOWERED narrative
Only from this narrative and the deep understanding of the EMPOWERMENT DYNAMIC, can we truly be exercising this "enlightened detachement" that you speak to in the "S.E.R.V.E.D" acronym description. Isn't it?
Only when we truly believe that the prospect actually has all that they need in order to make that shift happen, even while knowing that with us they might get tehre faster, yet thats not our decision, and adding a knife to their wound, kinda feels like a manipulative strategy, to make them feel they "need" us.
But they don't.
So is it really true that, they only sell themselves on their pain?
Or could it be that they equally want to sell themselves on their pleasure / vision / desires?
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Fabienne Egger
Soulful Selling
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