16d ago (edited) in GENERAL💌
Motivation and Commitment
I wanted to share with you a post I wrote for a challenge I am doing. Let me know what you think, please?
Today, I want to elaborate on this topic and want to use the word commitment instead of discipline.
What is motivation?
It's the push that gets you going.
To get started, taking that first step - it's super hard to do so. And if you do not have a clear goal and the WHY behind that goal - it will be very difficult to get started.
For me, I want to get fit. Why? Besides the fact I will look and feel great, I also want to become a great life/Mindset performance coach. And if I myself do not walk the talk - why would anyone want to listen to me! I know this is my purpose in this world 🌎- so my motivation is high.
Commitment is what keeps you going. It means having the grit to do things to get to your goal. Day by day. This means, even when you do not feel like it at times, and you won't, you still are committed to doing what it takes to get there.
If your WHY is big enough, then the HOW is figureoutable (new word 😂).
Adversity will come knocking on your door. It just will. There are things that are outside your control.
What you will do will depend on your level of motivation and commitment. This will determine if you stick with this or run away.
Now, a few things:
Motivation can often come AFTER you get started. Your feelings are often the result of your behavior. Motivation is often the result of an action.
Once you get started, it's easier to keep going and figure out the why behind it.
For me, I got rid of sugar last week at the start of the challenge. I wasn't exactly sure why I was doing it but it sounded like a cool 😎, look at me I'm awesome 👍🏽 type of thing to do. It was brutal at first as I mentioned but as the days rolled by, and I felt better and more energetic, I am now more motivated to keep my commitments on physical health.
It's a cycle.
So, ask yourself:
Why are you doing this activity?
What do you want to accomplish?
What do you enjoy the most about this?
What are the biggest challenges in this?
When have you been the most motivated?
What are the biggest challenges you have in sustaining the commitment in takes to be the best?
With this in mind, we can go forth and prosper.
Roey Naim
Motivation and Commitment
The Wing Chun Family
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