Jul 20 (edited) in GENERAL💌
🥷 How To Use The Curriculum & Improve Your Skill ☯️
Feel free to use the curriculum how you please.
Here is my suggestion below on how to get the most out of the curriculum so you can level up your martial skill and life.
Make sure to DOWNLOAD THE SKOOL APP and turn notifications on.
  1. Set a schedule with yourself eg 1 to 2 videos a day in the morning or 3 videos a week etc etc (put it in your calendar so you don’t forget and set a good training habit)
2. Watch a video and practice the movements, or think about the lesson. (Take notes if you want to as writing helps retention). Classroom Section
3. Make a post in the community about your learning from the lesson, either in the form of observations, what you learnt or questions. (this helps the learning process and acts as a journal in your profile). Community Section
4. Do 1 to 5 lessons per session and revisit lessons if you feel you need to spend more time on them.
5. Get active in the community as much as possible. The more connections you make and the more fun you have the more motivated you will be to train.
6. Most importantly have fun! When you approach your training in a playful way your learn much faster.
Make sense fam?
Im ready to Level up!🔥
Self Mastery is my game!🏆
I love Kung Fuuuuuuuuu❤️
46 votes
Sifu John Cogan
🥷 How To Use The Curriculum & Improve Your Skill ☯️
The Wing Chun Family
🧘‍♂️ Making Kung Fu & Meditation Education Available to Everyone 🥷
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