😍😁Did you feel good today?😢😭
I am making this post to keep you in alignment and hold you accountable for any unwanted emotions
1) put down how good your day was on a scale of one to ten
2) was there any upsets in your day and did you manage to let them go?
3) what lens do you think you saw your day through e.g if you spilled some water and you were looking at your day through a loving kind and affectionate lens, you would probably just clean it up and not let it affect your day but if you were looking at your day through a frustration and anger lens, you might just flip
So, how did you feel today?😁
staying in alignment is amazing!
Wing Chun is the best
cheeseburgers are delicious
15 votes
Noah Cogan
😍😁Did you feel good today?😢😭
The Wing Chun Family
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